
Tuesday, November 30, 2004

  Good morning folks. It's early ain't it. Well, since I've been working the new job I keep waking up early. I get plenty tired at night but wind up waking after six hours. I think it's because that since I am sitting down all day and just answering phones, then I just never get really tired. I wind up crashing at about 9 at night because my body seems to say, "Hey I gotta sleep. Even when I'm not really tired." Then I just wake up about 3:30. I figured instead of just laying around for an hour or two, I'll just go ahead and get up.
  I've had my breakfast and even been to my broker's website. Do you remember last week I sold my shares of Southwest? Well, here's logic. If I think that it's done going up, then it would stand to reason that it would go down. Of course, that's really just a guess. After all, stocks jump around all the time.
  Feel free to click along.
  So according to technical analysis, I should buy when the five day moving average moves above the 20 day moving average and sell when they trade places, then it would stand to reason that I could short when the 5 day MA moves below the 20 day MA. (Remember, you can easily set up a fake portfolio at any of these finance sites if you want to try this stuff.)
  Of course, I won't know what kind of price I will get. I just placed the order and it will be placed while I am at work. I won't get to know until tonight how it worked out.
  Of course, this is not guaranteed to work. Nothing ever is, but then technical analysis has only failed me once. The only trades that have failed me is when I have tried to guess it. I've failed every time then. Of course, I've had a total of 20 percent return this year using technical analysis. I don't know how it works, it just does. I follow it. I support it. I am in awe of it.
  Of course, I feel the same way about DVD players.
  I promise to return back to my usual rambling tomorrow.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

  "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."
  Emma Lazarus
  And after they get here, you tell them to call me at Dell.
  I swear that there must be a sign on the Ellis Island advertising Dell. More than half of the people to whom I spoke today were immigrants. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Just don't be surprised if I have trouble understanding your accent. I'm southern. I'll understand if my accent causes you problems, and please don't get upset if I ask you to spell Dobovich.
  Not all of the annoying people were immigrants. Some of them were born here in the good old U. S. of A. It's amazing the way people freak out about things.
  No, that $350 computer can not be upgraded. At all. That's right it doesn't come with speakers. Why? Cause it's just a $350 dollar computer. No, there is no floppy drive. I don't think that any of our computers have them standard. If you feel that you can get by with 256 MB then good for you, but I can tell you right now, that's not enough to run wifi. No, I'm not certain of that, but what do you expect for a computer with only a ninety day warranty. We can't put the full four year warranty on this one. Dell won't let me. Know why? In four years this thing will be weaker than a Tickle-Me-Elmo.
  Yes, I recommend that you get the four year warranty. That's what I am paid to do. If you didn't want me suggesting stuff, why did you call. You can shop online without me hassling you for a surge protector.
  I can not give you a quote without building a customer profile. That means that I need your phone number, name, and address. If you don't trust me with those, then how can you trust me with a credit card number if you buy today? (The truth is that you aren't buying today, and I know it. You just want a quote.) That's right. I can't build a quote without that information. I can guess, but I may still be wrong.
  The deal is that it's a free printer. Look. You get what you pay for, okay? It's free. I don't know the value. No, it's not one we sell. Ever. Even individually. No, I don't know what it's worth. It's free. Of course, it does not come with a USB cable. Printers you pay for do not come with them. Do you expect better from a free one? I'm sorry that you feel like you are getting nickeled and dimed, but what did you expect for a $600 laptop?
  Of course, you don't want to finance this computer. Let me ask anyway. This is my job. I don't want any crap over this.
  It's amazing what people expect to get for less than my last set of tires. Of course, the cream of the crop was the guy that wanted me to ship the computer to Poland. We can't do that. Call the Polish Dell.
  Of course, even with all this aggravation, I am getting better. While in training, I spent six hours on the phone. Today, I spent seven hours on the phone. I took about the same number of calls. In training, I sold three computers and had to have help with two of those. Today, I sold six all by myself.
  Of course, being that they were cheap computers, I didn't make much commission, but I am getting better. I just still can't believe how much people complain that they have to buy a cable to work their FREE printer. Of course, imagine how upset that they would be if I told them that free printer was going to cost them twice as much in the long run.
  Later folks. If you can't be good, be good at it.

Friday, November 26, 2004

  I finished training today at Dell. Sunday, I'll be answering phones full time. I'll be in the transitional queue for a week, then I'll be on my own. Of course, this is a great time to start. During the Christmas rush. I can work lots of OT. Our trainer came and got one girl out of the room. Then the girl that did my orientation came and got her stuff. I'm going to assume that she was let go, because they had not printed off a training certificate for her.
  We also had one girl not show up today. She was out of town for Thanksgiving. Of course, I guess the fact that we had to work today took her completely by surprise. After all, why should we be open the busiest shopping day of the year. Missing one day out of nine equals eleven percent. Actually, it was probably more like twenty percent since we had to jam two days into our last day since we had Thursday off. If you're willing to miss a day of training, would you think twice to miss a day of work? Or several days of work?
  Isn't "queue" a funny word? It's five letters but we only need the one. Of course, it's not nearly as funny as "doody" or my personal favorite, "berber". I just love the way that it creeps out like a "ribbit".
  I also violated company policy today when I said that one guy was trying to "Jew me down." Luckily, no one was offended. Is this really insulting? I figured that implied that Jewish people are great negotiators. Let me know if that's a bad trait in life. There's also the old phrase made popular by David Allan Coe about a person of a particular ethnicity and how hard they work. Of course, this morning I heard a particular African-American (hint) say the same thing about Mexicans. I wish I could hear compliments like that. I'm going to start my own phrase. "Cool as bumpkins."
  Anyway, that's all I've got today. So until next time...

Thursday, November 25, 2004

  I hope every one has had a great Thanksgiving. My Thanksgiving was okay. Thanksgiving isn't a big holiday for me. Cause I'm ungrateful. Actually, it's a thing that I could do without. What does Thanksgiving mean to me? Peas and Corn. That's it. It isn't thanksgiving if I don't get those. I don't need turkey or ham or turducken. I just want peas, corn, and maybe some stuffing without onions.
  The one thing that I hate about Thanksgiving is the Macy's Day Parade. It's a four hour commercial interrupted by commercials. I'd rather watch sports. And I don't even watch the Superbowl all the time.
  Thanksgiving is supposed to be a holiday that makes you appreciate what you have. With that in mind, I'd like to remind you that you have one month until Christmas. You've had your day of purgatory. Now, it's time to start demanding some crap. Remember to set your clocks early so that you can hit all the great sales tomorrow.
  I'd also like to give some equal time to adbusters.org. They encourage you to buy nothing tomorrow. Really. They call it Buy Nothing Day. I wonder if it counts if I buy lunch?
  Later folks.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

  So here's the thing. The other movies that I have listed there are a little boscure. I'm a little afraid to mention it to co-workers. "Hey Gunny. What did you do this weekend?"
  "Well I watched two silent films and Fritz Lang's for talking movie."
  "Gunny. Do you do drugs?"
  Anyway, I watched Steamboat Bill, Jr. It's the movie that the Mickey Mouse cartoon, Steamboat Willie is based on. It's the second Mickey Mouse cartoon and the first Mickey cartoon with sound. Would I recommend it? No. See it if you want to, but you aren't missing much. It's basically a Romeo and Juliet story with a happy ending.
  I watched Nosferatu. It's a silent film version of the story of Dracula. Unfortunately, Dracula was still under copyright, and Bram Stoker's widow tried to have the film destroyed. Of course, all the names in the movie are changed to protect the undead. Mrs. Stoker didn't have a leg to stand on. The creepy thing is that it is not a black and white film. During night scenes, it's blue and white. If a candle is burning it's yellow and white. During the daytime it's sepia toned.
  The winner for the past weekend was M. It was Fritz Lang's first film with sound. It's not in English, has periods of several minutes without sounds, and had no extras on the DVD. Still, it was a great movie. The story takes place in Germany in the thirties. The police and the criminals are like two rivaling unions. Sadly, there is a person going around killing children. The police are getting a hard time cause they can't find him. The criminals are looking for him because the fear of the common people is hurting their business. The common people are blaming anybody that even looks suspicious. It's a race to find him and a question as to who will find him first. The ending shocked me. It never gives a verdict on the man. It's the attitude in the final line that shocked me.
  I enjoyed to watch the criminal's unions to work together. It reminded me of Terry Pratchett's Discworld Series. Anyway, that's all I've got for later folks.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

  Okay, so I didn't post yesterday. What you gonna do about it? Cry? Well, I laugh about your tears of weakness. I had a great day yesterday. I sold a computer. Convinced the guy to take a better warranty than what he had. I tried to sell some other stuff, but didn't pull it off. The point is that I sold something. I'm so geeked out. I stayed an hour over and listened to a mentor's calls. On my way out I stumbled across a couple of co-workers. We sat there and shot the breeze for a couple of hours. The thing is that they may have been there for the hour that I was upstairs. I just don't know.
  I also sold Southwest Airlines. I sold out at 15.20. Now considering that I bought at 14.26 and it increased by .94 a share, I made a return of 6.5% in just over a month. Behold the power of Technical Analysis. Now, I'm going to try to short it.
  Later folks.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

  I've changed the look of the blog a bit. I hope you don't mind. It's not as if I am going to change it. Let me explain. The first five will be permanent additions. The other three will change as time goes by. They are three great movies that I have seen recently. I wanted to more prominently display the first five things there. I think that they are very enriching. The last three will be reserved for things that I have seen recently and wish to recommend.
  The Richest Man in Babylon is a very basic book. It's a great place to start if you have never read any book about investing. Basically, you can skip it. Stikky Stock Charts is a good book to teach about how to channel stocks. Technical Analysis for Dummies is a book I strongly stand behind. It can help you get a 20 percent return on your money. (at least.) You need to work on the stock market everyday. As a matter of fact, I think that you could push a fifty percent return per year. The stock market scares people though. I don't know why. Lots of these same people have a 401k in the stock market, but I guess that they don't think about that.
  If you don't like the stock market, I've included The 16% Solution is how to get a 16% return on your money by investing in tax liens. Unfortunately, it doesn't work in Tennessee. That's why I recommend this book so little. I could still do it, but I am a hands on kind of person. Going through the mail is not my preferred method. Of course, you could also get John Beck's course, but I've found it's not complete.
  I've been told that Glengarry Glen Ross is the greatest movie as how to be a salesman. I haven't decided about that, but I should decide soon. After all, I've just taken a job in sales.
  The other ones, well..., I'll save that for tomorrow. I made this post long enough. I'm ready to get off this thing for today. Later, folks.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

  Nashville's getting a new skyscaper! Maybe. It's still in the early phase. Of course, it won't look nearly as cool as the Bat Building.

Friday, November 19, 2004

  So I took a call today. I had to sit at the phone for forty minutes. I took three calls to the wrong department. Then I had my one call. It was a lady who had a gotten a quote a week ago. (As if we just hold quotes forever.) She wanted to know if she could get that deal.
  Unfortunately, I had to tell her no, but my mentor built her a very similar system. The only difference was that the new system would wind up costing her fifty dollars more. The old deal had a 150 dollar rebate. All I could get her was a hundred. The other big difference was her warranty. The old system had a three year mail in rebate which we no longer carry. The new system had a four year in home warranty. A technician would come to her home to repair it. I told her that was well worth it. She would spend that fifty dollars mailing it in if anything ever broke. Plus there was an extra year tacked on.
  She was also very nervous about the Dell financing. I wanted to say, "So you'll trust giving me your credit card numbers, but you won't trust me with your social security numbers?" Plus, she got a great deal. She got 15% interest which is not very good, but she had no interest until 2006. Which means that if she paid it off in twelve months it would be same as cash. How much interest would the credit card companies take from her if she charged it to them? I don't know because I don't have any, but I'm pretty sure it would be above zero.
  I got to stay an hour over and listen to some more calls, and the mentor from after lunch came by and said that she bought the system. I'm glad. I'd hate to think that my mentor spent that much time and didn't pull it off. I feel like I was really screwing the pooch, but it was a pretty bad situation to start off. The caller was misdirected to me. My mentor messed up the phone because I should have never wound up answering that call. I'm really glad it all worked out in the end.
  Today was a hard day, but I think in a few weeks I can be a pro at it. The only thing that is holding me back is that I don't push hard enough, but once I have heard enough objections and how to overcome them, then I should be able to recite answers by heart. I've just got to push these people through calls faster than prunes through a short widow. Giving them time to hesitate gives them time to second guess.
  I've got to go watch Glengarry Glen Ross (Which if you are reading this, Soiree, it out to be on your list, too.) Glengarry Glen Ross could possibly be the best movie about sales ever made.
  Later folks.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

  So tomorrow is the big day. I have to take an order. I've listened in on some calls, but not taken one yet. The first girl to whom I listened, took about 4 calls in ten minutes. She was so quick that it was hard to keep up. She didn't sell anything.
  At the end of the day, they asked if anybody wanted to stick around for an hour after training to listen to another mentor. I volunteered right away. I got hear my second mentor take 4 calls in an hour. He actually sold two computers. He seemed much more laid back.
  With the first mentor, I had a hard time keeping up with the checklist. There is a checklist and some scripts that we must follow for legal reasons. We must ask for things like your name, address, and phone number. We must also ask what you plan to do with your computer, in case you might say that you are going to use it to blow some thing up. That last question is good because we have to ask it to know what kind of system you want when you want a "Good gaming system."
  Of course that's just a bit. We have about twenty points on the checklist that we must go through. Other than that, it's pretty laid back.
  I know the technology. I can build a good computer. It's just talking to some one that makes me nervous. Maybe after a couple, I'll be a pro. Who knows I might actually sell one tomorrow.
  That's going to be my goal. I should have 45 minutes at the most. My goal in that 45 minutes is to sell a computer. I know the tech. I will sell a computer.
  If my friend bream can do this so can I. There are also lot of other people I can name where I can say, "If X can do it, so can I." A couple of them are as dumb as posts.
  I can do this. I will sell a computer.
  I also hope that Southwest goes up tomorrow, but even if it doesn't I've still done well. After all, it's gone up a whole ten percent since I bought it. If I give a couple of points back, I won't sweat it. Soiree says that he's seen me give the tech analysis spin so many time that he feels like I ought to give a free steak knife at the end. If I can turn into a pitch man for technical analysis, I can answer the phones tomorrow. That doesn't mean that I won't still be nervous.
  I will sell a computer.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

  Okay, folks. I found out what I want for Christmas.
  Someday, it is my goal to have a TV large enough to watch it while I am in bed, and while I am not wearing glasses. So when I saw this, I knew I had to have it. I can't believe that no one has jumped on this thing. You'll be certain to be the only one on the block to have one.
  I mean I'll be the only one. Cause you want to buy it for me. Don't make me use the Jedi mind trick. Or show those pictures of you in Panama.

Monday, November 15, 2004

  Well, that's one day of training under my belt. I hope that things get a lot more complex as we go along. We just barely got out feet wet today. It involved four different avenues of study. As I understand it, things get harder come day 4,5, and 6. Let me give you an example of the exercises that we had to do.
  The first exercise consisted of going to the website and listing all the models of a particular line of products. List the serial number, price, catch phrase, and brief description. Time allowed ten minutes. Good luck. That's a paragraph that you have to write for seven models of laptops.
  A later exercise consisted of opening two windows and using the ALT and TAB keys to toggle between them. Time allowed: 10 minutes. How can those two things both take ten minutes.
  The funniest part of the day was getting to listen in on a recorded call. It was shocked and both of my neighbors were laughing by the end of it. I can't really give specifics, but it ended with the customer hanging up. It was so funny I played it twice. I got behind for it, but it was worth it.
  Maybe there will be more for tomorrow. They have promised me a badge, so I won't have to sneak by security anymore. Also some one from Intel will be speaking to us on lunch. I won't get paid for it, but he does bring a free lunch. That seems like a fair trade off.
  Until tomorrow...

Sunday, November 14, 2004

  So, it's over. My employment at Wal-Mart. I thought about taking a few shots at a couple of people that had annoyed me over the past few years, but what's the point. I left as quietly as possible. Well, I had some cake and ice cream first. Luckily, it wasn't coconut cake. Believe it or not, coconut is among one of the few things that I do not eat. Chili with tuna, cream of chicken soup from the can, peppers seven ways until Sunday, but never, ever coconut.
  I'm a little nervous about going to Farmer Electronics. I'm going to have to learn how to be a pitch man, but I'll also have to learn how the electronics work. That way, I'll know what to pitch.
  Of course, I'll not be available to go to tax auctions as much, but I should have more money for when I do.
  I start training tomorrow at 7:30. Or at least that's when I have to be there. I'm going to try to get there early. I have to get my badge. I was supposed to get my badge on Friday, but there is a guy with the last Waller with whom I am constantly confused. Twice now they have seen both of us on the list, mistaken it as a typo and removed one of us. I'm going to ask if I can use my nickname Gunny.
  On the way out of the door, I tried to show Technical Analysis to as many people as possible. A couple seem interested. A couple said right off the bat that they had no interest at all. I'm glad that they were honest. Soiree said that he had seen my pitch so many times that I should give out a paring knife at the end. I can't stress enough how important it is that you look at this Technical Analysis stuff. It works. It really works.
  Anyway, that's all I've got for now. Later folks.

Friday, November 12, 2004

  Now that I am leaving my current job, I just thought there were some rules that you should know. Just in case you thought about applying to take my place.
1. There are only three acceptable name for The Weslee. They are The Wesley, Mr. Robinson, and El Nacho. There may be others added, but for now that is it.
2. The Weslee does not find things funny. Do not try to amuse him. He operates on levels that your mind can not conceive.
3. Dud Where's My Car is a funny movie. If you don't think so, The Weslee will not tolerate you.
4. The Wesley will accept "Thuh Wesley" but never "Thee Wesley."
5. You will fear and respect The Weslee.
6. Any word may be translated from English to Mexican by adding an O to the end of the word. (i.e. Yes-O, No-O)
7. You, much like myself, do not have to speak jive or have a soul.
8. The DJ is the one who scratches the records.
9. If The Weslee mentions things that have not happened, it's because they have not happened yet. Understand that The Wesley can see through all of time and space.
10. All of life's greatest journeys begin at the greyhound station.
11. Garfield is a better movie that Peter Pan. This evidenced by the fact that Garfield will have a sequal.
12. It is perfectly normal for all directions to begin with, "Do you know where the bus station is?"
13. You need to learn to quit holding that grudge. Just cause one woman did you wrong...
14. Hardee's beats Taco Bell anyday.
15. The Wesley is just a hard working man trying to get by in the world. Would that face lie?
  Just a few ground rules. Remember these as you attempt to pass the test to work with The Weslee.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

  Just so you know BST. I think that Larry the Cable Guy real name is Dan Whitney. That's according to IMDB's message boards. I do find it hilarious that his name is listed as Larry The Cable Guy. I guess though that if Prince or Madonna can have one name, then I guess he can have four.
  Here's a funny story. We in grocery are expected to stock sixty cases an hour. One co-worker told me that the boss was leaning on her, but she ran 57 cases one night and 61 the next. I asked her if that was an hour and she told me yes without blinking. A couple of days later I said, "Remember a few days ago when I asked you if you were running 61 cases an hour?"
  She said that she did.
  "Well, Ron had a hundred cases tonight and he didn't finish." Well to be fair a hundred and something. Even if he had two hundred, he took four and half hours and didn't finish. 200 cases divided by four and a half hours equals 45 cases an hour. That's if he finished.
  Truth is that I've seen worse. Ive seen 12 cases an hour. That's a case every five minutes. I hope Dell sticks to their rules better than Wal-Mart does.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

  So here I wait. It's been a bad day in the stock market. Greenspan is expected to raise the interest rates by a quarter of a percent. This is what happens. Since we are getting a better return on our money through interest then we are more likely to pull our money of the market which is risky and leave it in the bank which is more secure. Now does this change on a quarter of a percent? No. Over the large scale when it increases by 3 or 4 percent in a couple of years? Yes. Just thought you should know why it is important what the interest rate is. Of course, this whole interest rate thing is based upon inflation for some reason. I have no idea about that.
  So I just got back from Dell's orientation session. That's where I fill out my W-4 and I-9. I go back Friday morning for orientation. (Remember that I am scheduled to work Monday morning.)
  Let me say that they will not play around on attendance. That's the impression that I get. Somebody showed up late for their meeting and was told that the person that they were supposed to meet had gone home for the day. Now this is at 9:30 in the morning. Think about it. They must tell this to anyone that shows up late. I was told that I will be expected to work weekends. If I had a problem with working Friday and Saturday, leave. My days off will likely not be together. I could be working anytime between 7 am to 11 pm. Shifts are assigned for the month on order of performance. Seniority does not play. I am not allowed to wear sweatsuits or shorts. Jeans and T-shirts are okay. Do not wear anything to offend others.
  The bonus section is going to be harder than originally planned. I have a commission to meet. It varies on what I upsell. If you order the cheapest computer I actually get negative commissions. I need to upsell. I asked if any of the other computers offered on TV have negative commissions and was told that they did not. Now the bottom computer has only a 90 day warranty and will be likely unable to run Microsoft Flight Simulator in six months, so that shouldn't be too hard. The commission scale is based on a curve. Only the top 70 percent get a bonus. The bonuses are getting paid an extra dollar to four dollars an hour. I asked and was told that the pay will improve after (and if) I get hired on by Dell. I am currently employed by Spherion.
  All in all, if they stick to these rules this may not be a bad place to work. I know that Wal-Mart, there are many people who miss a day almost every week. There are many people who are late so often you get to be surprised when they show up on time. There are some people who change their schedule at will and are allowed to do it. Even if they want every weekend off. (If it's a seven day a week store open twenty four hours a day, why are you surprised that you are expected to work?) Dell closes on Thanksgiving and Christmas, I can expect to have those days off. Something I don't currently get at Wal-Mart, and I get training.
  That's all I've got to report now. I'm sure I can tell you more as it becomes available.
  The fed has raised interest points a quarter of a point. Your ARM asplode.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

  The thing that I can't figure out is this. Every night at Wal-Mart we have to go push in the buggies. Well, that's not the part I can't figure out, but we do have to clear the parking lot of buggies every night. It's something that a few people at work dread. Some one sarcastically said to me the other night, "I know this is the part that you are going to miss the most."
  I responded, "Yeah, you know I will."
  Problem is that this is true. It's my favorite part of the night. There are some times when I am so wrapped up in stocking or trying to get the shelves straightened out because of some thing somebody did while I was off, I get mad. Then I go outside. It used to be better when the store was new, and there were less street lights around. You get out in the cool night air, see the moon smiling at you behind a cloud, some times you get to see a shooting star. I always come back inside smiling. I swear it's better for my attitude than an hour lunch break. It doesn't matter how cold or hot it is outside. I enjoy it.
  I'm one of the few people that do not complain about it. There are a couple who try their hardest to avoid it. I can't understand that. When it's snowing it's a chance to fight. When it's fall, it's a chance to cool off. If it weren't for that then I would forget there is such a thing as nights. It's not as if there are any windows or clocks in Wal-Mart. (They do that on purpose.)
  Some one asked me once why I never went to church. I said that I never felt close to God in a church. May be if church were more like fishing, I'd be there every week. They asked me if I was part of some cult called the "fishermen."
  There's nothing more sacred than the moon up above, the water below, some Hank Jr. on the radio, and good woman beside you. You can just hear God in the weeds rustling up the crickets for choir practice. You wouldn't have to ask, "Shall we gather at the river?" because I'd already be there from Saturday night.
  I've often asked to be a buggy pusher. It's my ideal job. You just get to work hard. No managers to lean on you all the time because your outside the store. You always get see the good work you do. Heck, now days they even have power equipment to push the buggies for them. I've been told that I'm too important to be put outside. I will miss pushing the buggies. It's my favorite part of the night. As crazy as that sounds.

Monday, November 08, 2004

  I just got back from seeing the Incredibles. They had the usual short before. This one starring a Jackalope. I was surprised to see that there were no bloopers during the credits. Also, I was so surprised that there were no jokes about Elastigirl's elasticity, but it is a kids movie.
  Wallace Shawn (aka Rex the Green Dinosaur) makes a great appearance. He has such a funny voice that I can't hear it without laughing. Also because I can't help but think about how dangerous it is to get involved in a land war in Asia.
  I didn't realize it but Jason Lee plays one of the bad guys in the movie, Syndrome. I guess it's been too long since I've seen any of the View Askewniverse films. He even calls him Brodie instead of Buddy. I just kept thinking that about several people during the movie.
  It's a pretty good movie. Not one of Pixar's best, but this Cars movie looks to be great. Especially since it stars Larry The Cable Guy. (Does this guy have a real name?)
  Am I saying that you should skip The Incredibles? Inconceivable!

Sunday, November 07, 2004

  So I am still trudging through the list of movies that I should have seen. The three most recent were Some Like It Hot. Of course, that's one worth buying. It took me three days but I got through The Deer Hunter. That movie is just awful. I'm not one for war movies, but the shots take far too long. Do we need thirty minutes to watch people dance at a wedding? Gee whiz. It's a wedding we get it. Move on already.
  Also, I did watch The Third Man. I can't say that it is worth buying, but if you get the chance to rent it do so. If only for the one or two quotes in it. The one about the dots and the one in which Orson Wells says...
Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock. So long Holly.
  I really don't have anything to say, so there you go. A movie quote. Share and Enjoy.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

  Dude, I'm getting a job.
  So the secret is out. I went on a job interview while I was on vacation. I am going to be working at a large computer company located in Nashville. I'm not sure how I got it, because it's not like I have any experience in this kind of job. Basically, when you call up to order a computer, you may speak to me.
  I never had anything like this in my nine and a half years at Wal-Mart. I did learn how to drive three different types of forklift. Four if you count three wheeled and four wheeled ones separately. I learned to work a pallet jack. (And an electric one also!) I also learned that I could pick up 190 pounds if I bend properly, but none of that applies to answering phones, so I kind of wondered how any of that applied here.
  I did work at Taco Bell. It was my first job. (Out of three.) I worked there for 3 1/2 years. I ran the drive through frequently. I also was required to upsell occasionally. So I guess the only experience that I have is from working at Taco Bell. That's actually kind of funny.
  I've been working at Wal-Mart for 9 1/2 years. I get paid 15.08. I'll be starting the other job at 12 dollars an hour. This makes me want to say, "Man, what kind of sucker was I to put up with this crap for so long?" I remember when I started at Wal-Mart I busted my butt for 5.75 dollars and hour. I thought it was great to make 7.00. After all, I had been a shift manager at the Bell for six.
  I'll have to go through a two and a half week training period in which I get 10 hours of OT. So that should make up for the three bucks I am losing.
  As I understand it, it's not that hard. My friend Breanne works there. I told him, "I hate to say this, but I figured if you can do it then I can, too." After all, this is the guy that used to hang his name badge off one of his nipple rings. And I frequently would give him piggy back rides through the store. And now he's been promoted. He's worked there for a year and is over eleven people.
  The thing that made up my mind is the money. He's works with businesses and I will be working with people, but I've been trying to get him tell me how much he's making. About a month ago, he said he's taking home four a month. No, goofy, four hundred. Of course it's four thousand.
  If he can do, I can do it.
  That's all I've got for now except for one thing. If you should happen to be reading this and happen to work for Wal-Mart some where, then you should take your personal time before you quit. You'll get paid your vacation time so just use up your personal time instead. You don't get paid your personal time unless state law requires it. (Tennessee does not.) I've never used personal time. I always said that I could save it in case I laid the bike down trying to miss a dog, or figured I would get it when I quit.
  Wrong! So I am going to lose my personal time. I could fight for it, but I know that I will get laughed out of the office. How much do I have? Over six weeks worth.
  Oh, well. Live and learn. And as to the offer to being a baseball commentator, thanks, but no thanks. You need a guy who actually watches sports. Any kind of sports.

Friday, November 05, 2004

  Some times you wonder. You can see a person in an abusive relationship and you wonder why they do. They some times leave that relationship just to go into one that is just as bad or worse. Then that causes them to wonder why they entered into this relationship. Some times they go back to the not as bad but sill bad relationship. Some times they stay in the worse relationship. And then you just wonder, why can't they just date some body decent? Anybody?
  I've been told many times that spousal abuse is a problem not just with the person doing the beating. It's a problem with the person taking it as well. They don't know any other life other than abuse. They just know that if they want leave, then they have to go. Out into the world. A world that they don't know. Some place where they are not guaranteed comfort of any kind. At least now, they have a roof over their head. Sure they can see other people out there with better lives than theirs, but maybe it only looks that way. What goes on behind closed doors? Besides the abused become comfortable where they are. They know it, and what you know is always easier than what you don't. So they stay.
  Now I am not saying this to point out any one. (Although I could name many cases.) I'm not saying this to belittle any one. (Although I have could name many times that I have belittled people for staying.) I'm not even saying this to talk about relationships. (Soon every one will know.)
  I am quitting BTCA, a.k.a. Wal-Mart. That's right folks, what I have so lovingly referred to as "Big Time Corporate Anti-Christ" is actually Wal-Mart. Of course, at least half of the people that read my blog know me in the real world so this is not a big surprise.
  I have been at Wal-Mart for 9 1/2 years. I started on March 3, 1995. I will quit on November 14, 2004. I am fully vested, which means that I get my full retirement. (100 shares of stock as I understand it.) I make 15.08 an hour. Which is twice what the current starting pay is.
  You hear the talk about how little Wal-Mart pays, but the truth is that there is job security there. Wal-Mart will always be in business, and you have to almost kill some one to get fired at Wal-Mart. They can let you go in your first ninety days for any reason. You actaully have to sign an agreement to that says that. In all of my 9 1/2 years, I have seen two people let go. There may be more, but those are the ones that I know.
  I know that had I put that 9 1/2 years into a place like a factory I could be getting paid much more than 15.08. Of course, Wal-Mart has no top out on their pay so I guess it's possible that I could earn thirty dollars an hour eventually.
  Except that I won't Wal-Mart has learned that the percentage raises that they had been giving were just silly. Now I can expect a raise of 40 cents for standard and 55 cents for above standard performance. By those numbers, it would be 2013 before I hit 20 dollars. The truth is that now I can't even keep up with inflation.
  The truth is that there is a lot of drama at Wal-Mart. Maybe I am the one that's dramatic, but who knows. People tell me there is just as much drama where ever you go, but the question is money. Am I willing to take that drama for ever diminishing raises. Before I would have gotten ever increasing raises. Next year's raise would be 75 cents. The next would be 79 cents. You can see how it's ever increasing. I kind of looks silly now that I look back on it. Because 4 cents a year times forty hours a week comes out to 83.20 a year.
  But Wal-Mart has a great insurance plan. (If you can afford it at 7.50 an hour.) I guess but is it worth losing the 84 dollars this year? I am afraid not. Under the new pay raises that means that I am getting raises of 1124 dollars a year at the most?
  I could move up in the company. (No, I couldn't. I've got a smart mouth.) Of course, I wouldn't be making any more money. Some of the guys in the meat department make more than some of our assistant managers. And I would have to work more hours.
  I'll miss the hard work, but will I miss my knees popping? Or my wrists? Or my hip? Or my back, neck, elbows, feet, right big toe?
  I started before we were a supercenter. We moved in six months later. I miss some of those days when we were a small store. I'll miss some of those days as a big store. I may have to go check out where I wrote my name in the dust on top of the duct behind deli back in 2000. Breanne wrote it there too. Poppa-matic said it was still there in 2003 when he added his name.
  But now I venture out into a new job. Out into the scary world that I don't know.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

  Eventually all will know.
  Here's the thing. The post a couple of days ago (You know the one about the dead dog) was there for a reason. I had something to post on the site, but had kept quiet because I wanted to do so. I had my reasons. Don't ask.
  Eventually all will know.
  Well here's the thing. I told one person. Just one person. I didn't want everyone to know just yet. It was just a few hours old. It was still a fragile little thing. Just saying it too loudly might break it. Whisper it. Dig a hole, whisper it inside, and replace the ground so that it may not escape. The problem is that weeds grow and when the wind blows, the reeds spread it over the wind much too easily.
  Eventually everyone will know.
  At BTCA, I told my boss. There should be some confidentiality in this. Within eight hours people that I had never spoken to knew about it. People on another shift were talking about it on breaks. Now my question is what if I had told some terrible secret such as I had to miss a day of work because I had to be tested for some venereal disease. Would she be so easy to spread it?
  Eventually everyone would know.
  The problem is that it's hard to tell who doesn't know now. I guess I could say that someone not currently located within 30 miles of me right now probably does not know.
  Possible non-filtered, secret revealing post to follow. Until then, rest well folks and try not to roast on the fact that you don't know. If you do know, then try not to look too smug that you know or pissed that you actually had to find out from someone else.
  No, I have not been drinking.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

  I was behind an old man voting yesterday. He was speaking in that old man voice. (Which shall be shown as italicized.) He's how you do it.  He went into the curtain to vote and his wife coached him from outside. She was unable to help him because she had not filled out the proper "helper paperwork." She said to him, "Did you push the name that you want to vote for?"
"I want to vote for Bush. "
"Well, did you push his name and see the light show up by it?"
"I want to vote for Bush. "
  At this time, I had to laugh. It's funny that this guy can vote, but is really unsure how to do it. He has the right to vote, but not the right frame of mind to vote. Welcome to America folks.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

  Filters. Man, do I hate filters.
  Oh yeah, filters serve a great purpose. I don't need curse words to express my views. There are plenty of other places on the internet to find hardcore pornography. I don't need to breathe in the fumes that the leaf blower next door is blowing out. There are many types of filters and I can see a purpose for every one, but sometimes I'd like to think that I can get life unfiltered.
  I'd like to take up a lucky strike and just see what it tastes like. I'd drink some of the water right from the Stones River. It was good enough for my ancestors. (or Uriah Stones) I like to think that from time to time I am embracing life to its fullest.
  But I do not embrace this blog to its fullest. Not that I need to. But sometimes I have to filter what I say, because there is another world. One that existed before this cyberworld and I have be careful that what I say in this one does not interfere with the other one. That's why I do not express all my thoughts on here, because some time life offends.
  Some times life is a dead dog on the side of the road.
  Putrid, rotting meat. A carcass that has carried it's life and waits for nothing. To be disregarded by all men that come upon it.
  But it's a whole ecosystem.
  Stray animals. Maggots. Microorganisms.
  This thing which changed when it was unable to hold a single life became something that held many. To us life is disgusting, but to them the disgusting is life. While it may be hard, it's a wonderful, enriching life.
  And one of these days, with a little luck, those maggots will fly, something I have yet to accomplish. And never will. At least not without the aid of a device built by many other people.
  Life is like a dead dog on the side of the road. Even in it's worst its still pretty fascinating, but that doesn't mean that I want to cross the road to sniff the carcass. I'm not trying to be depressing here. I'm just trying to say one thing to make up for the many that I can't.
  Filters. Man, do I hate filters.

Monday, November 01, 2004

  Today's quote comes from Chris at an eatery in eastern Norriton, PA. Apparently Pennsylvania is a bellwether state. That's why MSNBC is reporting from Ray's Malt Shop and Eatery today. They interviewed the staff. They didn't ask Ray for whom he is voting because they don't want to run off any of his business. However, they did not stop any of his employees from saying for whom they would be voting.
  Chris (one of two) said that he did not want to say which way he would vote but said, "I've considered both sides and the other guy seems like he has done a good job, but it's time for a change."
  Chalk one up for Bush!
  I'm sorry that was just too funny not to post.

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