
Sunday, November 21, 2004

  I've changed the look of the blog a bit. I hope you don't mind. It's not as if I am going to change it. Let me explain. The first five will be permanent additions. The other three will change as time goes by. They are three great movies that I have seen recently. I wanted to more prominently display the first five things there. I think that they are very enriching. The last three will be reserved for things that I have seen recently and wish to recommend.
  The Richest Man in Babylon is a very basic book. It's a great place to start if you have never read any book about investing. Basically, you can skip it. Stikky Stock Charts is a good book to teach about how to channel stocks. Technical Analysis for Dummies is a book I strongly stand behind. It can help you get a 20 percent return on your money. (at least.) You need to work on the stock market everyday. As a matter of fact, I think that you could push a fifty percent return per year. The stock market scares people though. I don't know why. Lots of these same people have a 401k in the stock market, but I guess that they don't think about that.
  If you don't like the stock market, I've included The 16% Solution is how to get a 16% return on your money by investing in tax liens. Unfortunately, it doesn't work in Tennessee. That's why I recommend this book so little. I could still do it, but I am a hands on kind of person. Going through the mail is not my preferred method. Of course, you could also get John Beck's course, but I've found it's not complete.
  I've been told that Glengarry Glen Ross is the greatest movie as how to be a salesman. I haven't decided about that, but I should decide soon. After all, I've just taken a job in sales.
  The other ones, well..., I'll save that for tomorrow. I made this post long enough. I'm ready to get off this thing for today. Later, folks.

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