
Saturday, January 31, 2004

Yesterday I heard a scientist being interviewed on CNN. The scientist was showing the kind of rocks that NASA is looking for on Mars. They would be rocks that might show that there was water on Mars. The interviewer asked, "So these are rocks from Mars?" You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know they weren't.

Anyway, here's a passage from the book I'm reading. All The Rave: The Rise and Fall of Shawn Fanning's Napster. The first paragraph is from page 66 about a potential investor named Jason Grosfeld. The second is from page 114 and sounds like a classic "pump and dump" tactic being pulled by Ron Conway, a funds manager for Angel Investors, an investment company that he started.

The more Grosfeld thought about what was happening inside Napster, the worse it looked. Not only were the employees aware of "facts" and "circumstances" suggesting copyright infringement, by itself enough to ruin the second safe harbor, they were aware of the infringement itself. Napsters few workers "weren't anything like a service provider," Grosfeld concluded. "They were not in reality closing their eyes to the copyright infringement going on there- they bragged about it. My lawyer thought it was insane."

The dot-coms as a whole were little more than a publicly supported pyramid scheme, built on the long-true presumption that an even dumber investor was just down the road. With more finesse, Kleiner Perkins' John Doerr called the process "the largest legal creation of wealth in the history of the planet." And Ron Conway had the perfect strategy for taking advantage of the situation. At the height of the boom, as professional investors saw it, the entrepreneurs held all the high cards. If you asked too many questions or dawdled too long, they could walk down the block and get cash from someone else. Conway didn't dawdle. He used his prodigious network, always pressing for the latest gossip on what wass hot and then investing his funds quickly. Then he worked the all-to-receptive media to hype his finds. Sometimes, he tried both tacks at the same place. one of Conway's investments was in Red Herring, a San Francisco magazine covering the venture industry. Conway would give editorial director Chris Alden, who was an Angel Investors limited partner, an update on the funds new investments. Then he would walk down the hall and pitch the magazine's news staff on his new start ups.

What is "pump and dump"? About one step away from the above action.

Friday, January 30, 2004

Announcing a new service, Eurekster. It's a service inspired by Friendster and Petster both of which are services to connect you to other people or pets. Well, Eurekster is a site where friends can watch what you are looking at on the internet. Hey, people isn't enough that the government is watching me because of that time I made that WMD chat group on Yahoo? It's not like I distributed the anthrax. No, I still have mine securely stored in old Taco Bell cups next to my CD collection.

Nashville also has made national news...
As high-profile Democrats flock to Nashville early next month for the Tennessee Democratic Party's pep rally for presidential candidates, the Ku Klux Klan will be in town the same day holding a recruitment rally. Read More...

Folks, these people do not need coverage. This will only encourage them. Tennessean will only keep the story up for two weeks. Read it soon.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Stuff off MSNBC today...

Kelly must stay away from Jackson (I guess the judge is afraid that they might get tips from each other's cases?)

James Brown arrested... again.

Brain lesions found in migraine sufferers

Michael Moore backs Gen. Clark. (This can't be true. Something must be wrong with my judgement.)

Who's Michael Moore?

So, I went to a friend's house last night. Turns out he is using a dating service to meet some women. Well, over dinner we were asking him some questions about her and what he was planning to do on the date Friday. Well, he had nothing. His response was, "We're going to have coffee.

We had to convince him that is not a date. After all, he likes to sit in Waffle House and drink coffee for hours. I could imagine his date getting fed up after about thirty minutes. I think that we settled on skating and going to see Peter Pan. (You've always got to have a backup plan.)

So we asked what she likes. My friend went silent. "She likes coffee," he offered. Unfortunately, he couldn't say anything else.

We got back to his apartment and him look up her profile. Well, turns out she likes hunting/fishing and he's a vegetarian. We also had to clarify what "strip aerobics" implied. Anyway, what we did was make him really nervous about tomorrow night.

Who knows, maybe it will work out okay. All I know is that from now on, he'll be reading the profiles a little more closely.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

All right. I've been gone for a while. It's been a very busy weekend. On Friday, I went and got a deed for a property that I got at a tax auction back in November. On Saturday, I went to a local auction company and bought two cars. Both of them Dodge Intrepids.

I paid 1,200 dollars for the '96, and it's a bad car. Really bad. It's got over 200,000 miles and has some serious steering problems. It's also smoking a little bit. I'm not sure what's causing it. I only bought it because it was so cheap. According to KBB, I might be able to re-sell it for $2,800. (If I can fix its problems.)

I paid 3,500 for a '98, and it's a pretty nice car. Actually, the only thing that I can see wrong with it is that it has a cracked windshield. I can expect to be able to sell it for $3,995.

So I didn't do too badly. I've paid less than I should expect to pay at a car lot, even if I have to eat the price of the worse car.

Of course on Sunday, I was busy getting the cars of the lot. When Monday, came I passed out. I work nighs and all the events during the days really cut into the sleep time. It also hasn't helped my back much. Big-time-corporate-antichrist has been cutting hours because of the January slowdown in business. Hopefully, I can exercise my back enough on the three days off I have this week and not have to wear the back belt again.

This car expenditure has really cut down the savings. I'm going to need to get serious about building up the funds. I'm still on schedule but I have pretty much blown my surplus. I need to try to get some money back on that bad one.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

So anyway, the other day I was at Books-A-Million the other day, the actual brick and mortar store not the website. Well, I bought a book. Actually, I bought several books. I go there because they give me that 10 percent discount, but the other day though I looked up a book that I bought on Amazon. The book was cheaper on Amazon. (Sonuva!) Anyway, I've heard similar stories.

For Christmas all I really asked for was a copy of Stephen King's Dark Tower IV: The Wolves Of Calla. I was going to wait until it came out in paperback. After all, there will be a super-duper box set when all is said and done, and who's to say that he won't rewrite it like he did the first one. I am a firm believer in not paying twice for the same thing. (It's partly why I took so long to go to DVD.) Anyway, My mother went to Borders bookstore to look for it. The price was 42 dollars. But on Amazon it was much cheaper. It also told her that she could pick it up locally. Guess where?

Of course on a side note, I now never watch VHS anymore.

I really enjoy the ability to walk around and look at the books. You know, pick them up, read the backs, smell them, feel the rough edges of the pulp. It's great. But if it's going to start costing me, I'll drop it. Especially when I can get the books delivered to my front door.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Gee Whiz, does my back hurt today! Why do you ask, well I think after two days of thinking about it I've learned what it is. We've gotten these new carts at big-time-corporate-antichrist. Well, they have a shelf on them. So the way that I have been getting things off the bottom shelf is bending over and spinning a quarter turn so that I may be under the top shelf. The carts are about two by two feet, so I've been lazy. (Yeah, I know bend at the knees. I've actually had a back injusry, so I know what it's like. I'm just a slacker.) Well, that means that I have been stooping and twisting improperly. About the only way that I could make it any harder on my back is to have a bowling pin in my front pocket.

So anyway, I would like to make announcement. Some people already know about it, but now that it's going up on the website, it's official. I am going to be a bovitarian. (That means I won't be eating any more beef.) Yes, I know it's a made up word. No, bovitarian does not have to mean that ALL I eat are cattle. After all, what does a humanitarian eat? Not humans. That means that I can make up the word. Unless you have one better.

Why am I going to be a bovitarian? Because I am ashamed of the beef industry. Years ago, they tried to sue Oprah for saying that it was a scary time to be eating beef because of Mad Cow Disease. They said that there was nothing to worry about Mad Cow Disease (BSE) was only in Europe. Well, surprise, surprise guess what showed up in the good old U.S. of A? Who's trustworthy now? The USDA has come out with some new guidelines. Here they are...

Well, I had to take the bowling pin out of my front pocket. The monkey won't leave it alone.

On AOL today, there is a story about the Amish diet. What keeps them so slim? they eat foods high in fat and carbs, yet they are the fittest people in America. Here's a clue. They are Amish. No electricity, phones, tv, doritos, sunday afternoon football. You see, they have this resistance to all things modern. Even things that we wouldn't call modern, like ball point pens or rotary phones. That means they actually have to work hard for a living. It's called exercise. But we're just to lazy for that aren't we? No what we need is a pill, or some potato chips with that new soy oil, or some sort of powder stuff at the health food store, that will make it easy to lose weight. No, we have to do everything the easy way, and isn't that what makes us so fat in the first place? Go ask the Amish.

Yes, there are monkeys at work. We just don't beat ourselves if we stand in one spot too long. Sheesh!

Monday, January 19, 2004

So today is the big day of the Iowa Caucus. It's one of those early indicators that show just how much of a shot you have at becoming president. Here in Tennesse, we don't have cuacuses. We have primaries. The reason that the Iowa Caucus is so big is because it's the first one. basically if we had one in December, we'd be all over the news right now. I'm really getting tired of these Democrats. All of them seem to be running on the "I can beat Bush" platform. Hey, here's a good idea. Let's talk about some issues! How about courting my vote? If you can't tell me why your better than Bush, then I'm not voting for you. I might if I thought you could do a better job, but he hasn't blown us up yet. I think I'll take the evil I know over the one that I don't.

Anyway, CNN is running a "Who's in/Who's out" list. I would like to note that I am not on this list. So I may be running. If I am, I haven't heard anything about it. Maybe I'm just not getting press because I am running under the Libertarian Ticket or the Green Party.

MSNBC has a poll about the election on the site today. It breaks down like this

Margin of Error? 4.5%

Not only is Clark below that undecided person, but he's not even halfway to the margin of error. What's half of nothing? Man! And I like him. I guess I'll just vote for Bush again! Good job Dems. You're going to screw it up and just back Kerry or Dean. Two guys that I'll probably know nothing about. I can see it already. There goes one swing vote. Mine.

Sunday, January 18, 2004

So anyway, I saw James Brown on TV this morning. He'll be 70 this year, and yes, Mr. Brown can still dance. He needs to be on an AARP and arthritis commercials. He says that he can still do six shows a night. Egad, I wish that everyone half his age were as tough as he is.

Mr Brown has grown up dirt poor and become an American icon. He's "The hardest working man in show business" that's "living in America" today. (I'm sorry. I couldn't resist.) I'm sure that come May 3rd that I'll be one of many white boys that would be proud to wish you Happy Birthday come May 3rd, Mr. Brown. Something that you said on TV this morning stuck with me though.

You said that no black man in America will ever be free. You love this country but you still say that? MR Brown you have achieved the love and admiration of this whole country but you still say that? Please Mr. Brown.

But maybe, that's makes him so great. He feels that he has to continue to do good. He feels that he has to be the hardest working man in the business because of his skin color. Maybe that's what fuels him.

Your wrong Mr. Brown. You could retire today, and you'd still be as great as you ever were. But please don't ever quit dancing. Once you quit dancing you stop living. I can't help but remember that he was at Bonnaroo last year. It was a bunch of young, white neo-hippies and I'm sure that they packed the house in that little redneck town. Mr. Brown, these kids weren't even born when you appeared in Blues Brothers or proclaimed that "you're black and you're proud."

I hear things like, "You mean Michael Jackson actually did something to be famous before he started molesting little kids?" And MLK procalims that he has a dream, but today that dream seems to be ringtones. You are still some one that we can look up to. Some who can still "get on up" and do your thing "like a sex machine."

Remember that MR. Brown that and the fact that I watched this morning with doe-y eyes. And I wasn't even born until after you were an icon. "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery," Mr Brown, "None but ourselves can free our mind."

And Happy Birthday, Mr. Brown.

(Sorry folks. I'll have more serious commentary tomorrow. I've had some other things on my mind, especially this year's line up of democratic canidates, but for today, let it be Mr Brown's day. And if you ever meet him, I learned this morning it's always "MISTER Brown.")

Friday, January 16, 2004

So I got a couple of books the other day. Of course I always have a problem buying books. Sometimes I get over my head. I had two duds but this third one is panning out pretty well. I guess I need to watch what I by more often. After all if I had checked the reviews then I would have bought only one. But enough of that. I'll save that for another day. I want to mention what I read today.

It's from All The Rave: The Rise and Fall of Shawn Fanning's Napster by Joseph Menn.

It's page 39 in my copy. (Individual results may vary.) It's about when Napster was still forming and Shawn was still slinging code for the program. It had yet to be the powerhouse that it would eventually become. They didn't even have any investors by then. Just a bunch of late teen early twenty-somethings working on a beta version.

"We didn't have any money, and we didn't have Coke left, and I was literally trying to finish this," Shawn said. "And I looked at the Red Bull, and I'm like, 'It has caffeine in it!' I literally went through most of a case that time, and I was up two or three days.... The strange thing about Red Bull is that is has weird ability, and it's not just the caffeine, to keep you really sharp and focused, even though you've been up for two or three days. Usually [on caffeine] you get hazy and you're wired but you're tired, mentally not functioning. But [on Red Bull] you can focus, and you think logically and clearly. You get tired, but usually it just gets you tired to the point to where you're not likely to get distracted. You're just kind of a zombie, but you can focus and think, and it helped to massive amounts of programming where I had thought of the design before, and I just had to do the programming." Red Bull abuse also has side effects, Shawn learned. "By the end of it, I called the cops because there was a car across the street the second night and I thought it was going to do something bad." Not the people in the car mind you, or even the people who owned the car, wherever they were - the car itself. " I was slightly hallucinating by then," Shawn said. "I remember calling the cops, and they said something about it not being in their jurisdiction, call somebody else. And then I realized I was going kind of crazy."

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Hey, here's a great thing. Don Pablo's is offering a low carb margarita. Now I can be heart-wise and kidney-stupid. People, it's time we stopped letting passengers on the Atkins train.
Not to mention the fact that we now also have several variations of the Atkins diet.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

From the NYTimes today...

WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 — Administration officials say they are planning an extensive election-year initiative to promote marriage, especially among low-income couples, and they are weighing whether President Bush should promote the plan next week in his State of the Union address.
For months, administration officials have worked with conservative groups on the proposal, which would provide at least $1.5 billion for training to help couples develop interpersonal skills that sustain "healthy marriages."

Now let me just say that those of you without sin can cast the first stone, but...
I for one look forward to the guidance that a cokehead, alchoholic, son of a millionaire who can't keep his underage daughters out of bars (even though he has whole staff to watch them) about how to run a sucessful marriage. Maybe we should hear from Laura Bush as well.
I think it would be marry rich and roll over when confronted.
Maybe we should ask Hillary Clinton on how to keep your man happy?
(Okay, okay. I know the bit about the coke has never been proven. Maybe I'm just being a little hard here.)

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Go try out Googlewhack.com. I actually made it on the list. Of course I'm sure I'll be buried by time you are reading this. I just tried two really obscure words and made it. It was chiterling and hitchiker. (Actually, I just misspelled those two words. I don't want to ruin the results.)

Monday, January 12, 2004

Hey, the main site is back up. I'll try not to screw it up anymore. I do plan to change some of my links in the side bar to the right of this. I'll be putting some other links up. Not just my own crap, but other people's blogs and stuff.

Okay folks, it's been a couple of days since I blogged, but I am back. I've been trying to get the main site running. I've found a cheaper server, but it takes a couple of days for it to take effect. Well, it did and guess what...
It still didn't work.
But, I know why! You see I use an HTML publisher to create the main site. Maybe you've heard of it? It's called Microsoft Frontpage. (Yeah, I know a real man would code HTML by hand. Shut up geeks.) Well, I know I need Fontpage extensions. I cruise the website and they have flash tutorials. Crap isn't there just somewhere I can hit "install frontpage extensions" like I did at my last server? So I sit through this tutorial and it says that I access CPanel, and then click on the appropriate icon. (There's a ten cent word!) I cruise the website and there is no Cpanel I can find.
So I have to leave a ticket. That's some sort of message that I leave for tech support.
I'm not sure how to install frontpage. I've been to the tutorials but I can find nothing like CPanel on any of the support area. Is CPanel something I am supposed to have installed on my computer? Thanks Gunny @ GunnyWalker.com
Their response?
Cpanel is the online control interface we provide with every account. You can find the information for logging into your cpanel account in your welcome email that we sent out when you signed up. It will also allow you to install Frontpage *extensions* on your account (Frontpage is installed on your home computer, Frontpage *extensions* are installed on a server like ours). If you require further assistance, please do not hit reply to this email.
Wow! (Emote sarcasm here) You mean I don't install programs on your server?!?!? Look buddy, I've used frontpage before. I understand the difference between frontpage and FP extensions.
(Okay Gunny, remain calm you were new once. Remember that time that you set up your first website? "So my main page should be called Index? Imagine that. I just called it main.") I'm sure that the techies laugh all the time. Maybe I'm just one of the rare few that do actually know some stuff. I'd rather have them explain too much than not enough.
But the one thing that should be obvious is that I don't know about cpanel or else I would have used it. Duh!
Ticket Number Two!
I was having trouble trying to figure out how to install frontpage extensions. I realized that I needed to use cpanel, but it seems the info about how to use cpanel was in my welcome e-mail and I did not realize it. Could you please send me the info on how to log into my cpanel account again? Thanks www.gunnywalker.com
Actually I misspelled "was." I guess I'll still look like an idiot. But should they have seen this second ticket coming? And would it been too hard to just ahead and install the extensions? I asked for them. Can't you just give them to me already? Maybe I'll have a pleasant follow up to this post.

Thursday, January 08, 2004

So anyway, I've paid for the property. I guess it was yesterday now. The whole sleep schedule has been pretty screwed up the past few days. Business at work has been slow so have been scheduled off three days this week. I was also sick one day, so I've been off work four nights now. Man, it's going to be hard to go to work now.
Anyway, no more tax auctions till June. I've got to wait until then to spend the rest of my savings. I just hope it doesn't burn a hole in my pocket. Or I don't have any major disasters.

Okay so I just added a book to to the read page. You should go check it out.

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Okay so this is the new website. Basically, it's a website about personal stuff, but I had hoped that it might create a way that I might be able to approach other people interested in the tax auctions as well. I've been a little slow to getting the site up. Ihaven't had anything worth typing on here. I've been sick. I've been having trouble getting Christmas present to my brother. I've been trying to get my car running. It seems that since I have been a wreck that the battery keeps draining. that means when I go to get estimates I'll need to keep disconnecting the battery.
 I have good news though. I bought an auction at the tax auction in Nashville today.
 Well I didn't pay for it.
 I won't have a deed for about six weeks.
 Of course their is no guarantee that I'll get to keep it. I have to hold it for a year and their are lots of ways that this whole deal can get jinxed.
 So basically, I owe the county 3,500 dollars. I do get interest on the money though!
 Exciting, isn't it?

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