
Monday, January 19, 2004

So today is the big day of the Iowa Caucus. It's one of those early indicators that show just how much of a shot you have at becoming president. Here in Tennesse, we don't have cuacuses. We have primaries. The reason that the Iowa Caucus is so big is because it's the first one. basically if we had one in December, we'd be all over the news right now. I'm really getting tired of these Democrats. All of them seem to be running on the "I can beat Bush" platform. Hey, here's a good idea. Let's talk about some issues! How about courting my vote? If you can't tell me why your better than Bush, then I'm not voting for you. I might if I thought you could do a better job, but he hasn't blown us up yet. I think I'll take the evil I know over the one that I don't.

Anyway, CNN is running a "Who's in/Who's out" list. I would like to note that I am not on this list. So I may be running. If I am, I haven't heard anything about it. Maybe I'm just not getting press because I am running under the Libertarian Ticket or the Green Party.

MSNBC has a poll about the election on the site today. It breaks down like this

Margin of Error? 4.5%

Not only is Clark below that undecided person, but he's not even halfway to the margin of error. What's half of nothing? Man! And I like him. I guess I'll just vote for Bush again! Good job Dems. You're going to screw it up and just back Kerry or Dean. Two guys that I'll probably know nothing about. I can see it already. There goes one swing vote. Mine.

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