
Sunday, January 18, 2004

So anyway, I saw James Brown on TV this morning. He'll be 70 this year, and yes, Mr. Brown can still dance. He needs to be on an AARP and arthritis commercials. He says that he can still do six shows a night. Egad, I wish that everyone half his age were as tough as he is.

Mr Brown has grown up dirt poor and become an American icon. He's "The hardest working man in show business" that's "living in America" today. (I'm sorry. I couldn't resist.) I'm sure that come May 3rd that I'll be one of many white boys that would be proud to wish you Happy Birthday come May 3rd, Mr. Brown. Something that you said on TV this morning stuck with me though.

You said that no black man in America will ever be free. You love this country but you still say that? MR Brown you have achieved the love and admiration of this whole country but you still say that? Please Mr. Brown.

But maybe, that's makes him so great. He feels that he has to continue to do good. He feels that he has to be the hardest working man in the business because of his skin color. Maybe that's what fuels him.

Your wrong Mr. Brown. You could retire today, and you'd still be as great as you ever were. But please don't ever quit dancing. Once you quit dancing you stop living. I can't help but remember that he was at Bonnaroo last year. It was a bunch of young, white neo-hippies and I'm sure that they packed the house in that little redneck town. Mr. Brown, these kids weren't even born when you appeared in Blues Brothers or proclaimed that "you're black and you're proud."

I hear things like, "You mean Michael Jackson actually did something to be famous before he started molesting little kids?" And MLK procalims that he has a dream, but today that dream seems to be ringtones. You are still some one that we can look up to. Some who can still "get on up" and do your thing "like a sex machine."

Remember that MR. Brown that and the fact that I watched this morning with doe-y eyes. And I wasn't even born until after you were an icon. "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery," Mr Brown, "None but ourselves can free our mind."

And Happy Birthday, Mr. Brown.

(Sorry folks. I'll have more serious commentary tomorrow. I've had some other things on my mind, especially this year's line up of democratic canidates, but for today, let it be Mr Brown's day. And if you ever meet him, I learned this morning it's always "MISTER Brown.")

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