
Wednesday, January 14, 2004

From the NYTimes today...

WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 — Administration officials say they are planning an extensive election-year initiative to promote marriage, especially among low-income couples, and they are weighing whether President Bush should promote the plan next week in his State of the Union address.
For months, administration officials have worked with conservative groups on the proposal, which would provide at least $1.5 billion for training to help couples develop interpersonal skills that sustain "healthy marriages."

Now let me just say that those of you without sin can cast the first stone, but...
I for one look forward to the guidance that a cokehead, alchoholic, son of a millionaire who can't keep his underage daughters out of bars (even though he has whole staff to watch them) about how to run a sucessful marriage. Maybe we should hear from Laura Bush as well.
I think it would be marry rich and roll over when confronted.
Maybe we should ask Hillary Clinton on how to keep your man happy?
(Okay, okay. I know the bit about the coke has never been proven. Maybe I'm just being a little hard here.)

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