
Wednesday, November 10, 2004

  So here I wait. It's been a bad day in the stock market. Greenspan is expected to raise the interest rates by a quarter of a percent. This is what happens. Since we are getting a better return on our money through interest then we are more likely to pull our money of the market which is risky and leave it in the bank which is more secure. Now does this change on a quarter of a percent? No. Over the large scale when it increases by 3 or 4 percent in a couple of years? Yes. Just thought you should know why it is important what the interest rate is. Of course, this whole interest rate thing is based upon inflation for some reason. I have no idea about that.
  So I just got back from Dell's orientation session. That's where I fill out my W-4 and I-9. I go back Friday morning for orientation. (Remember that I am scheduled to work Monday morning.)
  Let me say that they will not play around on attendance. That's the impression that I get. Somebody showed up late for their meeting and was told that the person that they were supposed to meet had gone home for the day. Now this is at 9:30 in the morning. Think about it. They must tell this to anyone that shows up late. I was told that I will be expected to work weekends. If I had a problem with working Friday and Saturday, leave. My days off will likely not be together. I could be working anytime between 7 am to 11 pm. Shifts are assigned for the month on order of performance. Seniority does not play. I am not allowed to wear sweatsuits or shorts. Jeans and T-shirts are okay. Do not wear anything to offend others.
  The bonus section is going to be harder than originally planned. I have a commission to meet. It varies on what I upsell. If you order the cheapest computer I actually get negative commissions. I need to upsell. I asked if any of the other computers offered on TV have negative commissions and was told that they did not. Now the bottom computer has only a 90 day warranty and will be likely unable to run Microsoft Flight Simulator in six months, so that shouldn't be too hard. The commission scale is based on a curve. Only the top 70 percent get a bonus. The bonuses are getting paid an extra dollar to four dollars an hour. I asked and was told that the pay will improve after (and if) I get hired on by Dell. I am currently employed by Spherion.
  All in all, if they stick to these rules this may not be a bad place to work. I know that Wal-Mart, there are many people who miss a day almost every week. There are many people who are late so often you get to be surprised when they show up on time. There are some people who change their schedule at will and are allowed to do it. Even if they want every weekend off. (If it's a seven day a week store open twenty four hours a day, why are you surprised that you are expected to work?) Dell closes on Thanksgiving and Christmas, I can expect to have those days off. Something I don't currently get at Wal-Mart, and I get training.
  That's all I've got to report now. I'm sure I can tell you more as it becomes available.
  The fed has raised interest points a quarter of a point. Your ARM asplode.

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