
Wednesday, November 24, 2004

  So here's the thing. The other movies that I have listed there are a little boscure. I'm a little afraid to mention it to co-workers. "Hey Gunny. What did you do this weekend?"
  "Well I watched two silent films and Fritz Lang's for talking movie."
  "Gunny. Do you do drugs?"
  Anyway, I watched Steamboat Bill, Jr. It's the movie that the Mickey Mouse cartoon, Steamboat Willie is based on. It's the second Mickey Mouse cartoon and the first Mickey cartoon with sound. Would I recommend it? No. See it if you want to, but you aren't missing much. It's basically a Romeo and Juliet story with a happy ending.
  I watched Nosferatu. It's a silent film version of the story of Dracula. Unfortunately, Dracula was still under copyright, and Bram Stoker's widow tried to have the film destroyed. Of course, all the names in the movie are changed to protect the undead. Mrs. Stoker didn't have a leg to stand on. The creepy thing is that it is not a black and white film. During night scenes, it's blue and white. If a candle is burning it's yellow and white. During the daytime it's sepia toned.
  The winner for the past weekend was M. It was Fritz Lang's first film with sound. It's not in English, has periods of several minutes without sounds, and had no extras on the DVD. Still, it was a great movie. The story takes place in Germany in the thirties. The police and the criminals are like two rivaling unions. Sadly, there is a person going around killing children. The police are getting a hard time cause they can't find him. The criminals are looking for him because the fear of the common people is hurting their business. The common people are blaming anybody that even looks suspicious. It's a race to find him and a question as to who will find him first. The ending shocked me. It never gives a verdict on the man. It's the attitude in the final line that shocked me.
  I enjoyed to watch the criminal's unions to work together. It reminded me of Terry Pratchett's Discworld Series. Anyway, that's all I've got for later folks.

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