
Tuesday, November 30, 2004

  Good morning folks. It's early ain't it. Well, since I've been working the new job I keep waking up early. I get plenty tired at night but wind up waking after six hours. I think it's because that since I am sitting down all day and just answering phones, then I just never get really tired. I wind up crashing at about 9 at night because my body seems to say, "Hey I gotta sleep. Even when I'm not really tired." Then I just wake up about 3:30. I figured instead of just laying around for an hour or two, I'll just go ahead and get up.
  I've had my breakfast and even been to my broker's website. Do you remember last week I sold my shares of Southwest? Well, here's logic. If I think that it's done going up, then it would stand to reason that it would go down. Of course, that's really just a guess. After all, stocks jump around all the time.
  Feel free to click along.
  So according to technical analysis, I should buy when the five day moving average moves above the 20 day moving average and sell when they trade places, then it would stand to reason that I could short when the 5 day MA moves below the 20 day MA. (Remember, you can easily set up a fake portfolio at any of these finance sites if you want to try this stuff.)
  Of course, I won't know what kind of price I will get. I just placed the order and it will be placed while I am at work. I won't get to know until tonight how it worked out.
  Of course, this is not guaranteed to work. Nothing ever is, but then technical analysis has only failed me once. The only trades that have failed me is when I have tried to guess it. I've failed every time then. Of course, I've had a total of 20 percent return this year using technical analysis. I don't know how it works, it just does. I follow it. I support it. I am in awe of it.
  Of course, I feel the same way about DVD players.
  I promise to return back to my usual rambling tomorrow.

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