
Friday, November 19, 2004

  So I took a call today. I had to sit at the phone for forty minutes. I took three calls to the wrong department. Then I had my one call. It was a lady who had a gotten a quote a week ago. (As if we just hold quotes forever.) She wanted to know if she could get that deal.
  Unfortunately, I had to tell her no, but my mentor built her a very similar system. The only difference was that the new system would wind up costing her fifty dollars more. The old deal had a 150 dollar rebate. All I could get her was a hundred. The other big difference was her warranty. The old system had a three year mail in rebate which we no longer carry. The new system had a four year in home warranty. A technician would come to her home to repair it. I told her that was well worth it. She would spend that fifty dollars mailing it in if anything ever broke. Plus there was an extra year tacked on.
  She was also very nervous about the Dell financing. I wanted to say, "So you'll trust giving me your credit card numbers, but you won't trust me with your social security numbers?" Plus, she got a great deal. She got 15% interest which is not very good, but she had no interest until 2006. Which means that if she paid it off in twelve months it would be same as cash. How much interest would the credit card companies take from her if she charged it to them? I don't know because I don't have any, but I'm pretty sure it would be above zero.
  I got to stay an hour over and listen to some more calls, and the mentor from after lunch came by and said that she bought the system. I'm glad. I'd hate to think that my mentor spent that much time and didn't pull it off. I feel like I was really screwing the pooch, but it was a pretty bad situation to start off. The caller was misdirected to me. My mentor messed up the phone because I should have never wound up answering that call. I'm really glad it all worked out in the end.
  Today was a hard day, but I think in a few weeks I can be a pro at it. The only thing that is holding me back is that I don't push hard enough, but once I have heard enough objections and how to overcome them, then I should be able to recite answers by heart. I've just got to push these people through calls faster than prunes through a short widow. Giving them time to hesitate gives them time to second guess.
  I've got to go watch Glengarry Glen Ross (Which if you are reading this, Soiree, it out to be on your list, too.) Glengarry Glen Ross could possibly be the best movie about sales ever made.
  Later folks.

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