
Friday, November 26, 2004

  I finished training today at Dell. Sunday, I'll be answering phones full time. I'll be in the transitional queue for a week, then I'll be on my own. Of course, this is a great time to start. During the Christmas rush. I can work lots of OT. Our trainer came and got one girl out of the room. Then the girl that did my orientation came and got her stuff. I'm going to assume that she was let go, because they had not printed off a training certificate for her.
  We also had one girl not show up today. She was out of town for Thanksgiving. Of course, I guess the fact that we had to work today took her completely by surprise. After all, why should we be open the busiest shopping day of the year. Missing one day out of nine equals eleven percent. Actually, it was probably more like twenty percent since we had to jam two days into our last day since we had Thursday off. If you're willing to miss a day of training, would you think twice to miss a day of work? Or several days of work?
  Isn't "queue" a funny word? It's five letters but we only need the one. Of course, it's not nearly as funny as "doody" or my personal favorite, "berber". I just love the way that it creeps out like a "ribbit".
  I also violated company policy today when I said that one guy was trying to "Jew me down." Luckily, no one was offended. Is this really insulting? I figured that implied that Jewish people are great negotiators. Let me know if that's a bad trait in life. There's also the old phrase made popular by David Allan Coe about a person of a particular ethnicity and how hard they work. Of course, this morning I heard a particular African-American (hint) say the same thing about Mexicans. I wish I could hear compliments like that. I'm going to start my own phrase. "Cool as bumpkins."
  Anyway, that's all I've got today. So until next time...

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