
Thursday, November 18, 2004

  So tomorrow is the big day. I have to take an order. I've listened in on some calls, but not taken one yet. The first girl to whom I listened, took about 4 calls in ten minutes. She was so quick that it was hard to keep up. She didn't sell anything.
  At the end of the day, they asked if anybody wanted to stick around for an hour after training to listen to another mentor. I volunteered right away. I got hear my second mentor take 4 calls in an hour. He actually sold two computers. He seemed much more laid back.
  With the first mentor, I had a hard time keeping up with the checklist. There is a checklist and some scripts that we must follow for legal reasons. We must ask for things like your name, address, and phone number. We must also ask what you plan to do with your computer, in case you might say that you are going to use it to blow some thing up. That last question is good because we have to ask it to know what kind of system you want when you want a "Good gaming system."
  Of course that's just a bit. We have about twenty points on the checklist that we must go through. Other than that, it's pretty laid back.
  I know the technology. I can build a good computer. It's just talking to some one that makes me nervous. Maybe after a couple, I'll be a pro. Who knows I might actually sell one tomorrow.
  That's going to be my goal. I should have 45 minutes at the most. My goal in that 45 minutes is to sell a computer. I know the tech. I will sell a computer.
  If my friend bream can do this so can I. There are also lot of other people I can name where I can say, "If X can do it, so can I." A couple of them are as dumb as posts.
  I can do this. I will sell a computer.
  I also hope that Southwest goes up tomorrow, but even if it doesn't I've still done well. After all, it's gone up a whole ten percent since I bought it. If I give a couple of points back, I won't sweat it. Soiree says that he's seen me give the tech analysis spin so many time that he feels like I ought to give a free steak knife at the end. If I can turn into a pitch man for technical analysis, I can answer the phones tomorrow. That doesn't mean that I won't still be nervous.
  I will sell a computer.

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