
Saturday, August 06, 2005

  So I was reading here after being referred from this. It's a post about how much people are unwilling to celebrate things that are not kosher. We don't read Harry Potter, because it is about magic. We don't support magic at all. We don't watch Barney, because he is a goy.
  Of course, when I say "we," I'm just being facetious. I'm actually a goy myself. If you aren't, then you shouldn't be reading this. That post struck me particularly hard. It frustrated me. It shows a group of people that follow their religion to the point of obsession.
  Don't get me wrong. God is great. God is good. I try to thank him for my food on a regular basis. The thing is to turn down something just because it's not overtly spiritual is wrong. Barney a pretty good dinosaur. He loves me. I... tolerate him. We're a happy evolutionary tree. Harry Potter isn't about magic. It's about psychology. It's about how all kids feel that they are destined for greatness. They just wish that they could do something magical that could make them stand out and not just be that kid with a scar on their head, funked up hair, poor aim in dodgeball.
  It just aggravates me to see people limit themselves because some one else told them to do so. It shows that a person can not or will not think for themselves. They take only what is given to them. To quit thinking for yourself is a dangerous place to be. I'll give an example of people who would not vary from the religious authority.
  Well one of the big ones is Galileo. One of the few guys to rock the single name concept way before Prince or Madonna. He claimed that the Earth moved around the Sun, but the church knew that all the heavens rotated around the Earth because in Joshua 10:13 it says that God stopped the Sun. That means that it was moving around the Earth. To contradict it is blasphemy.
  Of course, there is the whole evolution debate. We couldn't have evolved from monkeys because God made man. The problem is that it doesn't say how. And even if we find out that it was evolution, that still leaves a lot of mystery there. It actually creates more mystery about God. I'd like to see people use evolution to disprove God. As Galileo said, "The Bible tells you how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go."
  Of course, we all know that Pharoah's heart hardened, but does it make it a sin to find out that it was probably because he was frying all those frogs?
  I had some one once tell me that there can be no aliens. I said that there are a lot of planets out there. I figured it was possible that there could be another planet with life out there. I was told that the Bible says God created the heavens and the Earth. I was told there can only be one Earth because the Bible said so. I countered with the fact that they probably don't speak English, so there probably be only one Earth. It would be called Greeble or something. That comment was not received well. Of course, I never noticed the fact that there must be multiple heavens. Maybe there are nine layers just like Hell.
  I get angry when Christians are tee-totallers. Didn't Jesus turn water into wine. Was that a blessing or a curse? Because if wine is wrong, then wouldn't that be a curse? Also in First Timothy, Paul says to not be a drunkard. I take that to mean that it is okay to drink a little. Just don't be an alcoholic. Of course, I don't like a lot of things about First Timothy. It says that you should let your husband beat you. Women are damned. They may only be redeemed by raising good children. So breed early, breed often.
  Then there's the whole "sticking to your own kind" argument. I can't even remember where this one is and am tired of looking for it. That's the number one argument that inter-racial marriages are wrong. That I shouldn't date anybody but white people. That's so frustrating, that I can't even begin to point out how wrong that is.
  Look the Bible teaches to love you neighbor and to love God. If I have to know whether some thing is right or wrong, I ask myself. Does this hurt God? Does this hurt my fellow man? If it doesn't then probably okay. (Well, so long as it doesn't hurt myself either.) Of course, I'd like to think that when I get to Heaven, God would say, "Well, you didn't get it all right, but you tried. I guess we can let you in."
  It just frustrates me when people force others to be ignorant. If we aren't to think for ourselves why did God give us brains?
  There I've ranted and I feel better now. I'm leaving and I'll be taking my soap box with me.

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