Friday, August 05, 2005
Have you ever seen Citizen Ruth
? It's a movie directed by the same guy who directed Election
and Sideways
. It's the story of Ruth, a paint huffer who is picked up for her umpteenth arrest. She has been stripped of four children, two of which are raised by her own brother, They are close enough to see, but far away enough to be in a different world.
Ruth finds out that she is pregnant and the city attorney is trying to prosecute her for endangerment of her fetus. The judge later points out in his chamber that "If she wants to see the doctor while in prison, no one will stop her."
Of course, while she is locked up she happens across a few people arrested for protesting an abortion clinic. Enter the Babysavers. Ruth becomes a national news item as she becomes a national precedent. Of course, the pro-choice side wants to get hold of her as well. Both sides battle over her.
The Babysavers want to show that not being able to afford the baby should never factor in deciding whether or not it should live. They offer a check for 15,000 dollars at the birth of baby Tanya. The pro-choicers counter with the same amount. Under the table of course. Both sides want to make it known that they are not offering money to sway Ruth's thoughts as bidding war ensues. For the first time in her life, Ruth is actually worth something.
The major dilemma is that she actually has to make a choice. Will she get an abortion? Will she keep the baby? For the first time in a long time, Ruth has to make a choice.
It's a great comedy that shows the absurdities of both sides without telling the viewer what's wrong or right. It's up to you to make a decision. Like Ruth, it's emotional for even the viewer to consider what the outcome should be. If it isn't, then maybe you aren't weighing all the factors. Ruth comes to a difficult, and dangerous, decision at the end. The only question left is where will it lead? Down the same path that she has always been down or to a higher plane.
Watch Citizen Ruth
, if only for the comedy. Remember however that is rated R for some very good reasons.
Ruth finds out that she is pregnant and the city attorney is trying to prosecute her for endangerment of her fetus. The judge later points out in his chamber that "If she wants to see the doctor while in prison, no one will stop her."
Of course, while she is locked up she happens across a few people arrested for protesting an abortion clinic. Enter the Babysavers. Ruth becomes a national news item as she becomes a national precedent. Of course, the pro-choice side wants to get hold of her as well. Both sides battle over her.
The Babysavers want to show that not being able to afford the baby should never factor in deciding whether or not it should live. They offer a check for 15,000 dollars at the birth of baby Tanya. The pro-choicers counter with the same amount. Under the table of course. Both sides want to make it known that they are not offering money to sway Ruth's thoughts as bidding war ensues. For the first time in her life, Ruth is actually worth something.
The major dilemma is that she actually has to make a choice. Will she get an abortion? Will she keep the baby? For the first time in a long time, Ruth has to make a choice.
It's a great comedy that shows the absurdities of both sides without telling the viewer what's wrong or right. It's up to you to make a decision. Like Ruth, it's emotional for even the viewer to consider what the outcome should be. If it isn't, then maybe you aren't weighing all the factors. Ruth comes to a difficult, and dangerous, decision at the end. The only question left is where will it lead? Down the same path that she has always been down or to a higher plane.
Watch Citizen Ruth
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