
Friday, August 12, 2005

  Today's thing that brings me happiness is Big Joe.
  Big Joe is a reporter on WKRN. He's the guy on the morning news that they send out to report on local events. Opening a new car dealership? Send out Big Joe. Getting a new Wal-Mart? Big Joe will be there. And if we can't find a local event for Big Joe to attend, then he'll just be at an ice house, coffee shop, or some other local business. It cracks me up to think what the conversations must at WKRN must be like. I imagine some director and lackie talking....

Director: So the Southern Women's Show is coming up. We need to send somebody.
Lackie: Dorinda?
Director: Heck no! We need to keep her available in case something important comes up.
Lackie: You're sending Heather?
Director: No, she's straight desk material. Don't be silly. We're sending Big Joe.
Lackie: Joe? Really?
Director: Yeah, why?
Lackie: Well, it is the Southern Women's Show.
Director: I know what the event is. I was the one that brought it up. What's your point.
Lackie: *sighs* Nothing, sir. Would you like him to eat a bug while he is there?
Director: No that's State Fair material.
Lackie: Un no sir, I think the State Fair material is to make him eat as much of one item as possible and then ride carnival rides. I believe the eat a bug routine is museum material.
Director: Yeah, even better was that time we made him eat 13 corn dogs on the tilt-a-whirl! He kept having to change shirts because he smeared mustard all over them.
Lackie: Are you sure that you want to send Joe?
Director: Yes! How many times do I have to tell you....
Lackie chimes in: Oh yes sir, I forgot. Big Joe is the "Jackass of News Channel 2." How could I forget? I saw him the other day and thought gee whiz. He looks like he could star in a movie just like that Johnny Knoxville.
Director: I don't find that Johnny Knoxville funny and I am not looking forward to watching him taint the legacy that is the Dukes of Hazzard. But it is funny watching him humiliate himself!
Lackie: Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Do you have anything that you would like Joe to do while he is there?
Director: Paint a birdhouse. Or knit something. What ever it is make it pink. And girly. And have him interview somebody that's not all there.
Lackie: He pretty much does that every time. I think its is his special talent. Its like he's a magnet.

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