
Thursday, July 14, 2005

  So I went to my interview yesterday. The girl was thinking that she had a forklift job lined up for me, but the truth is that she didn't. She hasn't a clue as to what the different types of forklift are. She was thinking that she could get me a forklift job at Waldenbooks. Then her boss came and asked me some questions. When she found out that I had never driven a cherry picker, what they primarily use at Waldenbooks, my forklift job went right out the window.
  But I still have a job. I get to work second shift. I'm glad that I didn't get first shift so that I can still go to tax auctions. I'm going to be working in the calendar section which tells me one thing. I need to bust my hump and make sure that I get to keep this job. Nobody buys calendars in February. I'll need to get moved somewhere else.
  Of course, Waldenbooks is a pretty good job. A couple of my father's friends work there. Also, I know this guy that used to work there and if that schmuck can do the job, then I can too. (I'm not sure why he doesn't work there anymore. He had a really bad attendance problem when I knew him and he told me one time when stole from the company.) Anyway, I start on Sunday night. I'll be working 5 to 3:30. Do the math baybee. Four ten hour shifts! That's a three day weekend. I hope that this job turns out to be a pretty good workout. It's good to bust your hump for a living. It wears you out, but at least you get the feeling that you accomplished something. I'll take a dirty hot warehouse over an office job any day. (Plus the little kid in me kind of enjoys getting dirty.)
  I got to the auction yesterday too late to get my number. No number means no bidding. Of course, no money also means no bidding. So, it would have been for show anyway. I saw one of the other guys there watching me. He was probably wondering where I had been. I'm not sure that I have ever seen that guy buy anything. I've seen him bid, but never actually seen him buy anything.
  I went back to the temp agency afterwards for my orientation and drug test. Then I had to drive to another building for my photo ID. The lady there said that she would see me on Friday. For some reason she looked familiar. I don't think that I have ever actually met her. I don't know. Maybe she has just one of those faces. (Kind of like the fact that all us bald guys kind of look alike.)
  I got to speak to an old friend last night. She called me, and I talked to her for about an hour. She was trying to get my e-mail address. She's pretty cool. She was talking about moving back to Tennessee. Her family is in Fayetteville. I wish I could say more about her, but truthfully, our conversations never really seem to run much deeper than movies. She ought to be a blond. She's pretty cool though. I guess I shouldn't analyze a friendship too much. It's good to have someone to shoot the breeze with, even if the breeze is not much more than movies.
  Then while I was getting offline, I saw another Kat online. I IM'ed her for about an hour. It's been a year since I have actually seen her. Kat's a teacher in the next county. I caught up on what she was doing. I told her about my jobs that I had been working. She said that even though that she is a teacher, she still has to go in almost every week during the summer. I could imagine a bit before or afterwards, but the whole summer?
  Anyway, the next auction is on August 17th. I'll fix the side bar there eventually. However right now, I'm going to hit the treadmill. Later folks.

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