
Monday, June 20, 2005

  So today was visitation. There were at least fifty people at the funeral home today. There were a lot of grown men crying today. I was very impressed with my mother as well. She has been holding up really well and she knew almost everybody's name today. Food has started showing up. People have been bringing her sandwiches, BBQ, and so many pies that she should be diabetic by the end of the week. My brother and I have also had to go onto MeMa patrol. We have to keep her away from my mother. She has been upsetting Mom too much.
  I guess that my brother and sister-in-law will be leaving Wednesday. They are going to drive back. They don't have the money to get a plane ticket back. The ticket to Tennessee cost them 400 dollars. I'm not really sure how they could afford that. Of course, to be broke they sure have been buying a lot of four dollar lattes since they have been here.
  The really frustrating thing is when my brother talks about how much money he makes. Either he's lying or he makes more money in a month than I make in a year. Of course, either way I get pretty angry about it.
  We all packed up and went to Santa Fe (pronounced Santa Fee) yesterday. Yesterday was father's day and decoration day at my mother's family's cemetery. Quite a bit of that particular area of Maury County. (Pronounced murray county.) So pretty much anybody within a five mile radius were there.
  In other news, I went to the temp agency to get my check. I also told them that I would be able to return back to work Wednesday assuming that there was no family drama. Of course, when they called last Thursday to tell me that my check would be available at the office, I should have suspected something. I had always picked up my check at the job site. They pulled me into the office to tell me that my contract had been terminated. So I am once again unemployed. I'm going to keep this quiet until after the funeral.

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