Saturday, May 14, 2005
I just rented Star Wars - Clone Wars, Vol. 1
from Netflix and am very confused.
Who is Sifo-Dyas?
Why can the Jedi not tell who the sith master is? Even though they see him all the time.
Why do half of the Jedi not understand that "bring balance to the force" means their own death?
Why does C-3PO never seem to make the connection that Vader and Ani Skywalker are the same person? Why does Vader never seem recognize C-3PO or R2-D2?
If the banking clan backs the rebels, why are they all broke by episode four?
How do you build a ship the size of the Death Star and not have any one know about it?
When Vader tells Luke that together they can beat Palpatine, does he see his own destruction?
What the heck happens when Obi Wan disappears? Is he dead?
Why in episode one do the Jedi say that they can not fight a war, but by episode two, they are doing just that?
I hope that when episode three comes out, they answer these questions and tie up all the loose ends. When will Lucas learn that people want every nuance of the film explained. We want everything to be explained to us, repeatedly. It's what you must do to make your movie a hit. It's the only way to be sure.
Also I don't understand why when transmitting a message from Kamino, Obi Wan said, "R4, Scramble code five to Coruscant care of the old folks' home!"
What's the bit about the old folk's home mean? (Seriously, the rest of this post is just sarcasm.)
Who is Sifo-Dyas?
Why can the Jedi not tell who the sith master is? Even though they see him all the time.
Why do half of the Jedi not understand that "bring balance to the force" means their own death?
Why does C-3PO never seem to make the connection that Vader and Ani Skywalker are the same person? Why does Vader never seem recognize C-3PO or R2-D2?
If the banking clan backs the rebels, why are they all broke by episode four?
How do you build a ship the size of the Death Star and not have any one know about it?
When Vader tells Luke that together they can beat Palpatine, does he see his own destruction?
What the heck happens when Obi Wan disappears? Is he dead?
Why in episode one do the Jedi say that they can not fight a war, but by episode two, they are doing just that?
I hope that when episode three comes out, they answer these questions and tie up all the loose ends. When will Lucas learn that people want every nuance of the film explained. We want everything to be explained to us, repeatedly. It's what you must do to make your movie a hit. It's the only way to be sure.
Also I don't understand why when transmitting a message from Kamino, Obi Wan said, "R4, Scramble code five to Coruscant care of the old folks' home!"
What's the bit about the old folk's home mean? (Seriously, the rest of this post is just sarcasm.)
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