
Friday, May 27, 2005

  All right just in case you were curious, here's what took place in court the other day. I went to court to evict the folks living in the house that I bought at the tax auction last year. The previous owner's one year chance at redemption expired at the end of February.
  So I appeared in court Wednesday and they performed the roll call at 8:45 am. My lawyer and their lawyer answered for us. Then the judge called a recess. This gives the lawyers a chance to talk to each other and possibly reach a settlement. Well, it also gave us a chance to meet in the lawyer's quarters.
  So it turns out that the previous owners have a date in federal bankruptcy court. It's going to be June 13th. The judge delayed our court date to June 14th. So now I have two court dates to attend.
  The judge kept saying in her chambers that she can't believe that finally decided to protest the sale a year and a half after it happened. She can't figure out why it took so long.
  Their lawyer claims that they knew nothing about it. Their lawyer also claims that the county had no right to sell the property. Of course, my lawyer has yet to see any evidence for their side. I don't understand it. I would gladly send any documents to the other side that would make winning a case a slam dunk. They might back out. Then I don't have to wake up early to go to court. It just seems obvious to me. (Mainly because that's what the other side tried to do the last time I went to court on a different property.)
  So I guess I have two more court dates to attend now. I guess I have a couple more weeks to wait. This was the sort of thing I expected when I got into these tax auctions. They will be a lot of headache, but if I can pull them off, they will be worth it.

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