
Friday, May 13, 2005

  I went to go see a new lawyer yesterday. I was half asleep since I actually only got four hours of sleep before I went. I just got a couple of vids from Netflix and foolishly stayed up to watch one of them. Anyway, he thinks that I should be able to get a court date set up to evict these folks in a couple of weeks.
  This weekend's big project is to get my suit cleaned.
  Anyway, we were talking and then he kept bringing up the cost. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I even said, "Oh, guess you want some money then! Let me get my checkbook."
  I'm watching the account to watch it clear, then I'll give him a couple of days to hear back from him.
  I was waiting for something to do at work day before yesterday, when I heard the boss talking to one of the bosses at the other warehouse. He said something about us all being on one shift. When he got off the phone, I asked him what he was talking about. The plan is that we go to first shift in August. That's no good. I want to work second shift so that I can buy properties.
  Then they started talking about buying properties at tax auctions. I told my boss when we were alone that is what I am doing. (When I discussed it at the time, I didn't mention how I had bought my property.) Of course, the upsetting thing is that my boss said that he knows a guy who does the same thing. He makes several hundreds of thousands a year. The thing that annoys me is, that if you know it works, and you know it works well, why doesn't he do it?
  I can understand people watching me not doing it. I've not been overly successful. I've had a lot of bumps in the road, but if I could pull it off and make an extremely good living at it, then why would people not want to do it with me?

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