
Wednesday, May 18, 2005

  I just got done watching Soylent Green. The movie has not held up well. Or maybe it's the fact that the whole plot has been ruined. In case you didn't know, Soylent Green is people! This movie strikes me as a movie that stands to be remade. Of course, if it were remade today, the whole "furniture" aspect would be removed. It seems that in the future, if you are rich enough to have an apartment, it comes with a girl. (I'm sure that it could come with guy if you wanted one.) In return, the "furniture" gets a place to place to stay and a pretty easy life instead of fighting it's way on the streets.
  It's actually a pretty revolutionary thing to show during the period of women's liberation.
  I was talking with a co-worker the other day about all the movies that I have been renting. I said that I had never seen a lot of those movies like Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. He said that he didn't get into political films. Of course, they hadn't heard about Super Size Me until last night and if you like comedies then they recommend you will love Dodgeball and Waterboy.
  I just wish that more people watched more movies that made you think instead of dumbing you down. Don't get wrong. I like Holy Grail as much as the next guy, but you've got to think every once in a while.
  Anyway, later folks. I'm going to look at the properties in Friday's auction.

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