
Monday, April 11, 2005

  You know it's amazing. I leave work about 12:30 in the morning. That would be the perfect time to post. There's nothing that good on TV. It's really quiet. It's the perfect time to sit alone and think about stuff. However, I don't think at all about posting here. No, the only time that I think about posting here is when it's one in the afternoon, and I really should be getting ready for work. I can't get one the 'net before work because if I do then I some how wind up being late for work. I just lose track of time.
  It's amazing how dependent that we have become on these electronic devices. You can't believe how upste people are when they can't watch TV, or listen to that ball game over the 'net, or even do their work. People complaining about not working shocks me. Even if it's a job where you make good money.
  Last Thursday, Comcast's DNS servers went down for about six hours. Of course, if you knew what a DNS server was, then you would know how to fix it. It's amazing how many people were complaining because they couldn't connect to the internet. The funny thing is that they were connected, but we couldn't tell them where anything was. Of course, if we wind up telling them a patch, then we have to tell them how to repair it back next week.
  The most shocking thing is the number of people that call in saying how much money this is costing them. They tell you that being down right now is costing them 300 dollars. Of course, if I made three hundred dollars a day, then I would complain about nothing. Let's see 300 dollars a day at five days a week at 50 weeks a year equals about 75,000 dollars a year.
  I tell you that if I ever get to making that kind of money, it's time to quit my job. I'm rich. It's time I started being eccentric. And as I'm sure that most of you know, it's time to walk across the country.
  That's right. If I ever get rich, I'm going to walk across the country. You can mark my word on that.
  Since it is now 2 in the afternoon, I'm going to skip the spell and grammar check and just post this. I'll try to remember it when I get back home. It's been a long time since I've been fishing. 12:30 at night is the perfect time to go though. Maybe I need to check my poles.

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