
Tuesday, April 05, 2005

  Last night was a pretty crazy night. It was my first night out of training and my first night on the phones at Comcast. I was supposed to start work at 3:30 in the afternoon. I showed up ten minutes early to get ready. Then the fire alarm went off.
  We all went down the ten flights of stairs, and I would like to say that if you hear a fire alarm and have to travel down ten flights of please take off your heels, ladies. (Or men could apply there, I guess.) Anyway, we got down and the fire department started to arrive. Some one started to shout, "Find your supervisor. We need a count of heads."
  I just knew my supervisor's name. I was briefly introduced and then we went through a roll call of people that hadn't found their supervisor yet. Quite a few of them were in my training class. I'm glad to see that I wasn't alone.
  After an hour or so, some of the managers said that it was time to back inside the building, but the elevators were not working. We climbed up the ten flights of stairs only to find as we exited the stairwell, the fire alarm went off again. We staggered down the ten flight of stairs. We waited outside for another thirty minutes and were told to go back upstairs, but the elevators were still not working. We were also told to go directly into available on our phones. Showing up to work early was a complete failure.
  Luckily, the elevator was working.
  The phones were backed up all night. I worked six hours before I got the chance to breathe between calls. Luckily, I only had a couple of times before I had to ask for help. Once for a guy who couldn't get his Mac mail to work properly and once to figure put how to take a check.
  I talked to one of my class mates after work, and much like myself, she claimed that she had forgotten everything that she had learned. Or at least she felt that way. I guess that's about it. It can only get better than my first day.
  On a brighter note. I actually fixed three connectivity issues. Not bad for the kid that's still on AOL.

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