
Sunday, March 13, 2005

  Sorry, I haven't been posting folks. My mother told me that she wants to buy a laptop, so I have spent the past two days going from store to store with her. Comparing prices, comparing computers, comparing names. The thing is hilarious. She knows what a hard drive is, she knows what RAM stands for but not ROM. She knows has no idea why she doesn't want a Celeron processor. Of course, it doesn't help when she says things like, "Hey, this one does digital pictures."
  "Mom, they all do digital pictures."
  So she settled on a Compaq from Best Buy. Of course, she had a little trouble figuring out why none of them came with a floppy drive.
  on a side note while in Comp USA, I got to see the coolest thing I had ever seen. It was a Sony laptop for three thousand dollars. It had no optical drive, a 1.1 Gig M processor, 512 MB Ram, and no touch pad. Of course, it weighed less than three pounds and, when it folded up, was thinner than a CD jewel case. It's just cool because it shows where computers could be in five years.
  And that the most annoying thing about it as well. It says that your computer that you buy today will be weaker than cell phones will be five years from now.
  Welcome to the world of Moore's Law.

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