
Wednesday, March 02, 2005

  So I went to see my lawyer. The previous owners are still there at the house. That's right. I have to wait the whole year before I get to take full possession of the house. It's best just to leave them alone. After all, if some skinhead was on your front porch trying to kick you out and lose your house, or pay him a few thousand dollars and keep your 80,000 dollar house, which would you choose?
  So the best thing is to stay cool and calm. Stay cool. Leave them alone. They'll forget about it just like they forgot to pay their property taxes for a couple of years.
  Anyway, I went to see the lawyer to find out what I am going have to do to take care of this property. Turns out that it will be a lot quicker than I thought. I have to get the sheriff to post a notice on the door. Then if they don't move out in a week then I set a court date to get them evicted. The whole process of that lasts about two weeks. (Or so my lawyer estimates.) Then I get the sheriff out there to watch as I have a couple of guys with strong backs carry their stuff out to the curb.
  All in all, the process should last less than a month. The ironic part is that it may take longer than that. I'm going to be in training for five weeks at Comcast. That means Monday through Friday of working days. My lawyer is not sure whether I will have to be there for the court dates. If I do, then they will get a stay of eviction until the middle of April. I should however be able to sell this place in time for the June tax sale. There are some names to the forms that I have to file to evict them, but I can't remember what they are. I'll post them as soon as I have them. Next time, I'll actually be able to file them myself.

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