
Wednesday, January 05, 2005

  It's amazing how much politics there are at work. I guess it's everywhere you go, but I just can't stand the way that some one can hug some one one minute and then three hours later call them an ass clown. I had to look that one up in the dictionary. It doesn't have a precise definition. It only has a negative connotation. If I don't like you, you can tell. It's that simple. Anyway, it's amzing when you learn that there are some folks you just shouldn't hang around. You start to wonder what they are like behind your back.
  I just need to concentrate on getting my job done. I need to get hired on full time and get paid. One girl that I work with that is still temporary, said that she used her bonus to buy a washer and dryer. It was a thousand dollar bonus. I need to start hitting my metrics. I'm getting close. Hopefully, I can pull it off this month. There are four people in my group that have been there for five months. They say that out of the 35 in their class, only five still work there. The turnover is worse than Wal-mart. Luckily, if I can pull it off, the pay is better. It's not uncommon to make 60k a year working for Dell.

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