
Tuesday, January 11, 2005

  Stolen from Sling Blade, "There was these two fellows on a bridge and one fellow says 'Water sure is cold.' And the other one says, 'And deep, too.' I don't know, but one of those fellows might have been from Arkansas." Classic. That cracks me up every time I think about it.
  I was urinating at work the other day, when I thought. What's up with this urinal? I mean when I go to Wal-Mart, they have those short urinals. I've always called it the kiddie urinal, but why is it a work? It's not like Dell employs little kids.
  Well, not here in the states. Let's not forget about the slave camps in Uzbekistan where the PDA's are made.
  And then I thought, maybe it's not a kiddie urinal. Maybe it's a midget urinal. Yeah! That's it. It's just like a handicapped stall. Every place has to have a handicapped stall. Maybe every place has to have a midget urinal for those that are vertically challenged. I wonder if there are any midgets that work at Dell. I'm going to search the building to see if I can find one. If I do, I'm going to become really good friends with that midget.
  Cause midgets are funny.

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