
Sunday, January 09, 2005

  It's amazing how some things never change. In Dell, there are four basic customers. It's something that I've come to realize. It says something about human nature. Be we short, black, skinny, or wealthy, we all fall into one of those four categories. I can even see which one I am. It's the trick to figure out which one you are in, so that I can sell you a computer. Of course, it's also kind of nice to think that no matter where you look, people are essentially the same.
  It's amazing how some things never change. Woke up early yesterday. Stopped by Wal-Mart to see some folks. Heck, I worked there a long time. I've known some of the folks there better than my own family.
  And she was there. Excited to see me. I only worked with her for two months before I quit. She ran up and gave me a hug. I hugged her back, and then loosened it up and she still held tight. That girl knew what she was doing. I held her in my arms and tried not to inhale. If I had I would have sure sucked in some sweet, intoxicating ambrosia that would have sent me into a haze all day.
  She knows what she is. She knows her power to make men weak by her presence. I must not let her break down my defenses. I see this sort at my new job. They still exist no matter where you go. It's a high that they experience. They know that have power over men and use every chance to exert it. Because it works. Because every contact makes them feel more powerful. Reinforces their offenses. Makes them stronger, weaker sex. And I must fight the good fight at every opportunity that I face it.
  But boy, it certainly FELT good. And still does after 36 hours. Maybe I was just a little weaker yesterday.

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