
Sunday, December 26, 2004

  The word for the day at work was sucker. Everybody that I sold a computer today was sucker.
  What happened to last weeks $599 laptop? This week it's $150 more. Christmas are over. So are the deals. When do the new deals come up? Well, Wednesday is the last day of the week. These deals last until then. Possibly. Nothing is set in stone at Dell. I don't know if they will improve then. This weeks deals were worse than last weeks deal. What do think they will be?
  People that ask right of the bat for the financing plan means that they can't afford it and probably won't be buying anything today. The legal speech ends with, "Would you like to place today's on a credit card instead?" Half of the time, the answer is that they don't have a credit card. The other half spend a minute or two trying to find another way before giving up. I'm sorry. But that's it.
  No the desktop prices went up. I can't help it the fact that we had it just four days ago. Do you want to buy today? Prices may go up again.
  Anyway, it was a slow day. We got sent home two hours early. People were surprised at this. Christmas is over. Of course business slows down. Of course, Dell is going to cut back in hours. I guess I know that from working retail for so long. Of course, the fact that when there 57 agents waiting to take a call and no calls in queue, that should have been a hint.
  Anyway, I know I am getting cut back to 35 hours a week for three of the next four weeks. I think I will survive. After all, I've been working 61 hours a week for the past month.
  That's all I've got today. I'm off to do some Amazon shopping and am trying to figure out why I can't get a keyboard with a built in mouse of some sort. Later.

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