
Saturday, October 02, 2004

  I've got great news! First off, for some strange reason, Monty Python's Life of Brian is showing at one of the local movie theaters. So Breanne and I are going to see it. I asked Soiree if his wife wanted to see it. She's a big Python fan. He said that she might want to. Also, I've got a couple of other people to ask about it. I was so shocked, I had to double check.
  And now on to the other good news! We have a winner. So now it's time for a new set of proofs. Try to figure out which ones are actually true...
1. Gunny never lost his last baby tooth.
2. Gunny is color blind.
3. This cheese dip is hot.
4. Gunny's taste in women was greatly affected by Shock Treatment and Madeline Kahn.
5. Gunny likes talking about himself in third person.
6. Gunny has no idea what a "fortnight" is.
7. Every year Gunny petitions for US currency to be moved onto a soybean standard.
8. Gunny rarely wears underwear.
9. Gunny was lost in New York City when he was 14 years old.
10. Gunny has eaten Taco Bell three times in one day with no side effects at all.
  So congratulations to Rob Zimmerman of Kankakee, Illinois. To collect your prize send a self addressed stamped envelope to...
Gunny's Toe Nail Clippings
PO Box 3858723
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
  Good luck to all those that play!
  Until next time, always remember your towel!

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