
Thursday, October 21, 2004

  Well, I've spent most of the day with the Matics. Momma-matic and poppa-matic just closed on a new house. I can't imagine what it's been like for her parents. They've had to deal with seven people crammed into their small house for the past few months. Just a few hours with the Baby-matics is enough to wear me out. I like the kids, but I am really glad they aren't mine.
  The funniest incident was when we went to the local Wal-mart. Momma-matic was pushing Baby-matic 2003. Baby-matic 2002 was watching the dancing Santa on display there. Baby-matic 2000 thought that we were leaving. She had seen the Santa on the way in and thought that everyone else had as well. I followed 2000 until she stopped and looked across the entrance. I followed her gaze to a ride shaped like an SUV. I grabbed her and picked her up just as her legs started to move. One stranger coming in the door laughed and said, "Nice grab." I'm not sure why it seemed so funny to me. I guess he got to see my whole thought process on my face.
  Still tired from the flight. Settled back into the room early and finished off the pizza I got last night.

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