
Wednesday, September 01, 2004

  Okay, today I present you with the top ten reasons for voting for Bush/Cheney this year.
10 Oil is expensive. Bush made a lot of money speculating about land deals in Texas. He was pretty good at finding the oil rich properties and selling them at a higher price. He can use this knowledge for the US to find oil rich properties. (And then invade them.)
9. He's not all big business like some folks seem to think. Remember he worked for the Texas Rangers.
8. Can spell 49 of the 50 states. (That Hawaii can't be right. It looks like some kind of foreign word.)
7. Supports an amendment to create Freedom Fries, Freedom Dressing and Peter, South Dakota.
6. Michael Moore needs the money.
5. As a former member of the Texas National Guard, he knows about war.
4. Kerry can't swagger.
3. Because Heinz ketchup is red, just like North Korea's communists, axis of evil that they are.
2. Because he figured out that Mexicans are getting too expensive to hire. That's why Camp X-Ray is in Cuba.
1. Cause if he loses, then the terrorists win.
  While I was doing this I found this. It almost looks like a real site.

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