
Wednesday, September 08, 2004

  I loves me some infomercials. It's great how with one small, reasonably priced product, I can change my whole life. Also, I get three times the value for what I pay for it. Tell me more!
  I really am a sucker for these things. I guess that's an addiction that I will have to deal with since I do frequently work evenings. Why can't I get old episodes of Andy Griffith or something. Of course, I saw one about how I can invest my money in the stock market. I'm hooked. You know I am. Well they pull the old trick that says I can try it for ninety days for $9.95. After that, I can mail it back in and not pay another nickel.
  I've seen this trick before. I've seen it with Robert Kiyosaki and Video Professor. So I checked it out. It turns out that if you buy the package from Trend Trading To Win, then you only have to pay three easy payments of $75.
  Excuse me. There is no such thing as three EASY payments of $75. I watched the show. All this guy teaches is how to channel stocks, read technical analysis, and utilize options. Of course you can find this information in a few books for less than a hundred bucks. All you need are the books located in the sidebar.
  Of course, I don't have a well engineered infomercial with exciting music. Heck, I had to look up "channeling" in the dictionary to check the spelling. "Technical" still never looks right even though I am using it quite frequently. I'm just some redneck telling you something for free. And we all know that you get what you pay for.
  Of course, I still loves me some infomercials.

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