
Saturday, August 21, 2004

  I was going to go to the Wilson County Fair last night to watch the demolition derby, but I figured I better rest. After all, today is the day of the big family reunion. That's right folks are coming in from all over the country, Santa Fe, Detroit, etc. Well, no one's sure of the Michiganders, but Santa Fe folks are certain. Well, be having it a large park nearby that shares MeMa's maiden name. Well, maybe it's not so nearby. Actually, it a ways away, but MeMa insists so...
  Of course, It's not our family reunion. MeMa's sister's family has been having it for a while. We just kind of latched on. Most of MeMa's descendents aren't very good about getting together, but the few of us are making the effort. I'll get to spend the day with about forty people I hardly know. I'll also get to eat hamburgers. I'm making a special occasion out of this. It will be the fourth time this year I've knowingly eat beef. (I don't want to be any trouble. Or cause any strange looks.)
  So hopefully, everything will go well without any major problems. I hope we will not have any major fights either.
  I've been thinking about this blog. Has anybody been reading the stock and tax deed posts? That's the main reason I started this stuff. Sure, it's nice to have people interested in family reunions and stuff, but that wasn't the idea behind all this stuff.
  A lot of folks just seem skip right over it. It would be nice to know that some folks are genuinely intrigued by this stuff. I've only had a couple of people approach me about it. While I get many comments about the pic of the fish.
  Later folks.

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