
Saturday, August 28, 2004

  Look folks. If you're going on vacation, you need to use Orbitz. I still check Southwest, but since my parents are going to the Grand Canyon with only two weeks notice, then Orbitz was cheaper. They are going to fly into and stay at Vegas a thousand dollars. They get a car, room and plane tickets for that price.
  I guess I'm just a cheapskate, but it shocks me what a lot of people say. They say things like, "Oh yeah, Vegas is nice. We got to stay at the MGM for eighty dollars a night. Then they told us that if stayed for four days we'd get a fifth night free."
  Well you dang well ought to. My parents are planning to stay for forty seven a night just two blocks away from Las Vegas Boulevard. They are right at the corner of Freemont and Las Vegas Boulevard.
  Of course as I've been told stuff like "Oh, that's at the wrong end of the strip" or "I want to be where the shows are."
  Hey for half the price, I can walk or ride the bus. Heck, for the price difference, I can drive. Yes, I am a cheapskate. Except for the fact that I want to go see Penn and Teller.
  The thing is that I only go on vacations with MeMa, because she is the only person that will go on vacations with me. Everybody else, doesn't have the money or the time. Not that MeMa has the money. I was talking to a coworker about this whole problem. They said, "But I wouldn't go to Vegas to ride coasters." I can do that here.
  I tried to get a group up to go ride the Stratosphere last year. (Of course, that's wasn't all I planned to do, but it was something I was definitely going to do, or chicken out.) I asked if he was serious. I can plan a weekend trip to a Six Flags somewhere. The truth is that he will back out as soon as I start discussing dates.
  In other news, I've shorted Wal-mart stock. I shorted 200 shares at 53.86. It's sitting at 53.56. That means that it's 30 cents below where I shorted it, and the 5 day is just above the 20 day. I'm just guessing the program again, just like what got me in trouble before, but I'm still going to try it. After all, Wal-mart announced that they will have half the earnings growth of what they expected for August, the Feds look like they are going to rise rates next month, and oil's through the roof. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm guessing that the this things going south. After all, the economy's bad isn't it? That's what the Democrats keep telling me. So I'm going to take their words for it and hedge my bets for it.

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