Friday, August 13, 2004
Hold on I got one thing to do first...
I'd really like for the market to close today before I write about my great week that I've had. I would like to get another day behind me and to watch my stock. So either later tonight or tomorrow morning, I'll have a really exciting post. Now I sleep however. Goodnight day, folks.
Dear Lord,
It's me, Gunny. Oh yeah, I know it's not my real name, but you're all knowing. I shouldn't have to introduce myself. I was just wanting to ask a few questions. I don't really expect answers. What would we amount to if you answered all our questions? You know because you're all knowing, but I would like to think that we'd be pretty weak as a species.
Of course, I'm getting off the subject. I saw some stuff on the Olympics today and wanted to ask that you prevent any punks from starting any trouble during the games. We really don't need any suicide bombers at the games. Sure, we Americans really dropped the ball a few years ago, but hey we're allowed to make mistakes right? Please forgive anyone that has criticized the way the Greeks are handling things. You do know that one of own caused some trouble on native soil a few years ago. Of course you remember. You're God.
Please don't let any of Muslims get any crazy ideas, like that this would be the perfect time to advance their Jihad. After all, here we are the good old U.S. of A., a nation that (mostly) worships you. Heck, we compete with each other as to who is the better worshipper. That's why there are so many Baptists, and those Muslims don't even know who you are. They worship their false idol. They even give it a goofy name like Allah.
Okay, that last paragraph was joke. You do know that don't you? Of course, you're all knowing.
Thank you for not smiting the whole race after the first Olympic games, which as I hear were held in the nude. Naked track can not be a good sight in anyone's eyes, especially yours.
I would also like to ask you why I had to go through the ordeal that I went through this morning. I understand that my car is old and worn out, but I'm trying to be a good steward by using it to it's full potential. I understand the fact that sometimes starters wear out. That wasn't the big problem.
I did not know that however. I had two people kind enough to try to jump me off. Try to remember that they performed good deeds even if they didn't have much faith in the results, and also remember Ken did the same last week. Forgive my foolishness then in thinking that my battery was just "dead" from leaving a light on somewhere. However, it was embarrassing having to wait in BTCA's parking lot with my hood up so that the tow truck driver would know which car it was. There are not many of mine left. Of course you know this because when I needed a part for my window a couple of years ago they only found six in the nation. But of course, that wasn't the big problem.
While it turned out that I did not need that window part, please never let that part break as in doing so, it would severely reduce the number of Probe parts in the universe. I've been good and haven't locked my keys in my car in a while. It has been a long time since I've had to break into my own car by sliding my arm between the window and the frame.
Please punish those, who four years back, beat my windows with a rock because they didn't know that they could simply slide their arm in and unlock the door. Also, I hope that you made them feel badly when they realized that my portable CD player didn't work anyway. I also hope that they got at least a poor price when they tried to fence my socket set.
Of course, I had a good day in the stock market yesterday. Thank you. The hour that I sat in the repair shop was a bit nerve racking. You know well that I hadn't closed my position yesterday, so there was an extremely slight chance that I might be losing money today. But of course, that wasn't the big problem. I understand that the love of money is the root of all evil. This was just a way of reminding me of that.
I don't mind the fact that it cost me 400 dollars to have my car fixed. But of course, that wasn't the big problem. I even appreciate the fact it only took an hour and a half. I remember many days that I would just bring a book when my old truck was worked on.
As I watched the Today show, I saw several different segments. They showed Katie Couric shopping in Greece and that she got to eat an authentic Greek meal with Nia Vardalos, star of My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I also saw where our athletes had matching uniforms for the parade during the opening ceremony and different matching outfits for when they won awards. Of course the original Olympic games were played in the nude. I was upset that each of these segments lasted much longer than they spent on stories of the two robberies in Nashville last night. Or even what terrible hardships the athletes endured to attend the games. Those "fluff stories" took up more airtime than what I'd call "real news."
Basically, what I'm asking God is "Could you do something about daytime television?" I know that the unemployed need something to do while they are waiting on work. Or even those that can't work need something to do all day, but Lord, if you aren't going to work their bodies, couldn't you work their minds a little?
Also, could you get them to stop informing me that the original Olympic games were played in the nude? I must have been informed of that little tidbit eight or nine times. I really don't think I am exaggerating here, but you know the real number because you are all knowing.
If you see fit in your infinite wisdom to do nothing about this daytime television, then know that it is serving some purpose. It has brought me and others like me, closer to you in prayer. I would really like to be granted that peace I asked for during the games though. That is a very serious request.
I guess that's all I've got for now. So until next time.
I'd really like for the market to close today before I write about my great week that I've had. I would like to get another day behind me and to watch my stock. So either later tonight or tomorrow morning, I'll have a really exciting post. Now I sleep however. Good
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