
Thursday, August 05, 2004

  Hey folks. Not much going on here today. I voted in the primaries. I looked like a total idiot by trying to vote for someone I can't. Why give me a choice when there is only guy running? I said that one of the buttons wasn't working. I could vote for the other guy, but not for the one that I wanted. I was informed that I can't vote across party lines in the primaries. Crap. That's right. I forgot. Stupid me. Then why the heck am I being asked to vote when there is only one guy running? Just go ahead and check that one off for me. This is why a lot of people don't vote. I can't vote for whomever I want in the primaries without costing the vote to some one else in another party in another area. Gosh darned it! This kind of stuff makes me sick.
  I don't have much more going on. I've just been popping in and out. Watching the stock market and the stock that I bought Tuesday. It's been up about a percent since then. (Individual results may vary.)
  I got the checks from my new checking account yesterday. That means that next week, I'll be making a trek to Brentwood to give them a voided check to start depositing money directly into my account there. I decided to leave Bank Of Murfreesboro after they got bought out. I wanted a local bank, and I'm going to stick with a local bank. I should have known it was going to happen when it was run by the same people who ran First City. First City sold out to First American who was bought out by Amsouth. It gets aggravating when you go into the branch you started with and they check your account number every payday because "that's a very unusual number."
  I want to respond with, "Hey, I've been here longer than you have."
  I guess that's all that's happening right now in my world. Later folks.

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