
Thursday, August 19, 2004

  Okay, I closed out my position on HPQ. It had gone up some since I had shorted it. I shorted it at $19.55 and bought it back at $17.66. It seems to be back on it's way up, so I figured it best to go ahead and get out. Now I'll have to find another stock to invest in. On that first day it went down to $16.14. I didn't make as much money as I could have , but I still did well. That makes $1.89 a share. That's a 9.6 percent gain. Still pretty good considering how many years it would take to make that much in a certificate of deposit.
  What the heck happened to the adwords at the top of the blog? How's blogger going to make any money? If it's not making money, how will it stay in service? I think that it may be time to consider moving it over to the main site. Crap, that means I'll have to learn how to transfer all my posts.
  I saw a new blog. It's called Prison Pete. It's a guy in jail, who writes letters to the outside. His friend on the outside scans the letters and then puts them on the blog. If you read the first post it explains all of this.
  The auction yesterday was a bust. There were only two properties. One of them had a demolition lien. They didn't say what it was at the auction, but those demo liens are in the neighborhood of $10k. Eventually the buyer would have to pay it. No, you probably can't tear it down yourself. The less properties there are, the higher the prices. With only one, I'd hate to think what it would be. It was well over $50k. That's out of my price range. That's all that matters to me.
  Besides, I just made 9.6 percent in less than a month. If this continues, I'm getting out of the tax deeds.

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