
Thursday, July 15, 2004

  Good morning. Not much going on today. I raised my stops this morning on my stocks. I figure the stock has gone up 59 cents since I've bought it so I ought to raise it 59 cents. The thing is that according to technical analysis, Wal-mart's five day is about to cross the twenty day. They don't get much more powerful than Wal-mart. Another stock that I plan to watch is Southwest, and if you doubt the power of technical analysis then look at Mcdonalds. That's the thing about technical analysis. People do it because it works and it works because people do it. It's a terrible cycle that can escalate and tear a stock up. Anyway, I've got my ducks in a row with my broker, and plan to go fishing.
  Just so you can see some stuff that's not stock market. Here's some local news.
City employees no longer can log on to the Web during work to balance their checkbooks, send personal e-mails and other activities.
  That's because city leaders have tightened the leash on non-work related Internet use in light of two police department employees who were recently disciplined about sending sexually explicit e-mails to each other during work hours, city spokesman Chris Shofner said.
The city locks down internet use.

And there's another interesting story in today's Tennessean. Want some free rent? Try getting a job with Rutherford County Schools. Also technology companies are dipping chips in Mexico. Read this as well. The new fashion trend is to wear matching tinfoil armbands and hat.

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