
Thursday, July 08, 2004

  Guess who I just saw on TV? It's the Pets.com Sock Puppet. (Should I say former Pets.com spokespuppet?) He's currently pitching car financing for those with poor credit. The slogan is "Everyone deserves a second chance." Here's an article about it.
  It seems that there is a lot of talk about Kerry choice of Edwards VP. That it's the reason that Wall Street has been doing so badly. No, I'm not making this stuff up. Read the article. It just goes to show how much CNN knows. They obviously don't know why the market is down, so they just guess. The thing about investing is that no one has a clue. No one. That's what makes it so difficult. So everyone offers an opinion and then you have hard time sorting through the useless stuff.
  I mean look at Marvel. It's lost about 20 percent in the past month. Heck, it's almost lost that much in the past week. Thank goodness for stops. I'm out and it's saved me a lot of hurt. I'll will be watching it to see just how much it moves in the future.
  The next two items should not be viewed by anyone. Just to let you know you've been warned.
  Here's a couple who have raised fourteen thousand dollars for the rain forest. How? By having sex in public. How do they raise it? I have no idea. It's seems kind of silly if you ask me. I can't imagine people having sex in public for money. After all, I know lots of folks willing to do that for free.
  It's amazing how close minded people can be.
WASHINGTON -- Reading from the Bible on the floor of the Senate on Tuesday, Sen. Orrin Hatch endorsed a federal judicial nominee who wrote that wives should have a subordinate role in marriage, with the Utah Republican emphasizing "millions and millions of people will agree with" that view.
Read the article. Now this article doesn't really need to be posted here. I'm always surprised by just how subordinate people think that females ought to be. The truth is I think that is crap. I think that Women are important as men in the marriage. Knowing some of the guys that I know, the women should be wearing the pants. This is a recommendation for The Stepford Wives. It's these guys dream world.
  Of course, the reason why this article sticks out is that it mentions Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania. I've heard this name before. Apparently he's been upsetting people quite a bit for quite a while. Here is an extremely graphic article about Mr Santorum. Don't read this if you get upset over anything. Really. Somebody must really hate that guy.
  I on the other hand, support gay marriage. Oh it's still a sin, but then again, why should I push my religious views on anyone else? Just so you know Nader supports Gay Marriage.
  Market's open. I'll talk to you later.

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