
Saturday, July 31, 2004

  Hey Folks. There's not much going on today. I had a new experience yesterday. I tried asparagus. Ever go walking through the grocery store and just say, "Hmm I've never had that. I think I'll try some." Well, I do it all the time. Though for some reason I think that "straight out of the can" is not the ideal method for most foods. Asparagus tastes a bit like peas in a husk. I think you are supposed to peel them first. Or scrape them or something. Yes, people I know. I should try them with cheese or deep fried or something. I am southern. I know I shouldn't be eating vegetables with out deep frying them first. I'd have to say that I'd give it six and half birds eyes. It wasn't as interesting as the heart of palm (swamp cabbage) but has to taste better than the oyster juice.
  The one thing that I can't figure out is ox tails. People eat them all the time. Or at least use them to flavor stews. This is my pledge to you. I will never KNOWINGLY eat ox tail. After all, that's the first thing that the poop hits on the way out. It can't be good for you.
  The most annoying thing is when you remember about an old website, go check on it, and find out that they haven't updated since you were last there. You're not really sure when that was, but it was at least three years ago. Such as this one. The only thing changed is the main page. The Chris Isaak quote is one that is a great definition of my dream girl. I guess I'm not the only one.
  There's nothing like running into an old girlfriend. Actually, I ran into an old girlfriend's sister today. It was at the poorly named Flapjack Johnson's, a new restaurant here in the Boro. I dated her sister for four months over three years ago. I guess I made an impression. That makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. She broke off the relationship because she wasn't happy. Happy with what I don't know. It bothered me for quite some time. Sometimes I still think about her. But then again she's the perfect reason that we men could be happy just living on a mountain by ourselves and be perfectly happy.
  I remember that she told me repeatedly that she didn't want kids. Today she is married with two step children. The major difference is between men and women is that we want you to understand us not necessarily love us. It's not hard. Men have three basic desires and a lot of time to kill other than that. Women want us to love them, but we will never understand them.
  But we're both from Earth. Let's get that straight right now. It's just a matter of converging evolution. We're really separate species that can breed. Kinda like a Zonkey.

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