
Tuesday, June 22, 2004

  Okay, so I assume you know about the butter incident. Then Gooseneck said that no one can drink a gallon of milk in thirty minutes. Well, I had to respond to this challenge.
  Well, I tried it. I managed half a gallon in the first five minutes, but then I was done. I couldn't do it. I had to put the milk down.
  I then went to sleep for the day, but I woke up four hours later. I'm lactose intolerant. My gut felt like five miles of bad road. No wait, make that six miles of bad logging trail. The game of "What can Gunny eat?" is now over. Since I was up for the day, I decided to go see the The Stepford Wives. It's a pretty good movie with a good twist at the end. Although you should know it's not like the original. I think that the new version should be darker than what it is. It honestly reminded me of Shock Treatment (sorry no DVD). Anyway, that's all I've got. Good night folks.

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