
Friday, May 14, 2004

Thoughts from the Exxon on Church Street...
  Gas has gotten expensive. Please somebody explain to me why we aren't exploring Alaska? I mean, it gets pretty freaking cold there. It's expensive to do so. Why did we buy it from Russia anyway? We need to start using it, or sell it to Canada.
  I'm glad that somebody thought up to put the paper in front of urinals. It's nice to have something to look at besides graffiti. Does it always have to be the sports page. I know I am in the minority, but surely your average fella has other interests than sports. I really have no interest in sports so this just annoys me a lot. Sometimes it's nice to see a urinal that has the front page, but they probably place that in the women's.
  The bathroom isn't that great looking at the Exxon on Church Street. I know that Exxon claims that they are for the "driver human", but they aren't much for the "whizzer human." I'm glad I'm a guy and don't actually have to touch anything. Well, except myself. (Those last three words were not an invitation to make jokes at my expense.)
  Today, made my third trip to Nashville this week. That one guy chickened out Wednesday. I went to meet the other guy Thursday. I had to go today to pay for it, since I couldn't get a receipt yesterday. The boss had to wait on the book keeper.
  The one thing that excites me about gas stations? When they charge one price for all sizes of fountain drinks. There's something satisfying about getting a jumbo 72 ounce drink for 59 cents. Of course, the cup and lid probably costs them a nickel which is more than the coke costs. The most expensive thing is probably those extra long straws. I'm so glad to not be diabetic or to have acid reflux or IBS. I couldn't eat if I had to eat healthy. It's hard enough swearing off beef. (I'm calling myself a Bovitarian)
  Is everybody selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts? Gas Stations, Wal-marts, et cetera. They are twice the price of Wal-mart doughnuts. Sure they taste better than Wally World's doughnuts, but is twice the price worth it. They aren't even hot. The only reason to go out of my way is to get a hot doughnut. Some might say I am too lazy to do something as simple as put them in the microwave. Well, I'm not. I'm too lazy to go get them at all. See, I save myself four bucks. (four bucks?!?! What are they made of? Gas?)

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