
Saturday, May 01, 2004

  Oldsmobile has quit making vehicles. The last one rolled off Thursday. Oldsmobile was created in 1897 and the last Alero rolled off the line last Thursday. The thing strange about it was the fact that the workers were cheering. Here it is the ending of an era and they were cheering. Of course, they will be making other GM vehicles. Of course, classic vehicles do sometimes make a comeback. Look at Bugatti. It's currently slated for production by the VW Audi group. (Warning: Bugatti site is flash intensive.)
I picked up Big Fish the other day. Everyone should pick it up. It's a great father and son tale. The father has told tall tales all his life but is dying of cancer. The movie is about his son is trying to figure out exactly who his father is. Also, next Tuesday, Peter Pan comes out. Sure it's a kids movie, and you already know the plot, but it's really well done. Great special effects and actually some insight into the story. They actually show what keeps Peter young. They've updated the location of Neverland for the space age. I promise its good. And the mermaids are scary. I don't want to hear any crap over this one. Sit down and watch it. I promise you will enjoy it.

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