
Saturday, May 22, 2004

  You know I hit the treadmill this morning and while I was walking, I decided to check my pulse. There's this little doodad on the treadmill with two little metal strips. If you push your thumb against it, it tells your pulse. My pulse this morning? 43. Shouldn't I be dead? I don't think that the doodad is working properly. I can't imagine that I am walking 3.5 miles an hour and barely ticking over the tach.
  Have you seen the site for Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy? That's right there's a movie coming up. Of course, it'll upset a lot of people, stray from the original plot, and pretty much star all the wrong actors. Of course, I for one am looking forward to the movie. I wish it would have happened while DNA was alive.

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