
Monday, April 12, 2004

  Well, I've done it. It's been a while since I've bought any stock. I've broken even with my investments, but have yet to pull of any stellar results. That said, my pick for this year is Thomas Nelson Media. They publish, produce, and distribute books with a Christian theme. Now, you may ask me why I have bought this stock. What's the biggest movie of the year? What was the biggest movie of the past weekend? Guess. I'm a little bit late on this one, but I've been ignoring my stocks for about a year now. I felt that I needed to either start using that money or start pissing it away. Take your pick.
  Of course I am not sure when I plan to leave this stock. I do have my eye on another stock somewhere around July Fourth. They have a big thing happening on the second.
  I had thought about another company, Integrity Media, But of course to do well in the stock market, you need to have some action. (See liquidity.) Not very many people seem to be buying this stock, and if I have no one to sell it to then what good is it to me? I'm a greedy son of a gun, not the president of the company.
  As long as it doesn't drop below 25 bucks then I'll be okay. I decided that if it goes down that far, then I'll sell. I'll probably buy again whenever the video comes out.
  With all this said, this is not an indicator to buy these stocks. This is not a recommendation to buy these stocks. This is not a comment on strong these stocks are. Actually, these comments promise anything to be anywhere. The previous comments should be ignored at all costs. They are the opinions of a raving lunatic. Of course there are other raving lunatics commenting on these stocks. You should blame them if things turn out badly. Is that good enough for you FCC?

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