
Thursday, April 08, 2004

  Today's news story comes from Yahoo. 15 Kids! That woman's uterus is going to fall out. I've known dogs that have had less than that.
  "I love my cigar, too, but I take it out of my mouth once in a while."
  I know that sometimes I seem overly harsh sometimes. People get the impression that I can't stand kids, but there are a lot of people whom I see having kids that don't need to be having them. I'm glad to see that this guy can support them. (I do wonder just how much he makes though.) There are a lot of people who have kids like this that can't support them. Actually it's more of the norm that they can't support them. That's why I can't help but flinch when I hear a story like this.
  Nothing prepares you to be a parent like having children. No one that I know is ever ready to have children, it's just something you have to make up as you go along.
  I don't think that anyone in their right mind decides that they want to have children. Oh sure, there may come a day when you decide to let nature take it's course, but to willingly bring another little person into the world that is completely dependent on you is a scary thing. If that doesn't scare you a lot, then you scare me.
  And lastly, I've heard it said that children are the best form of birth control. I think there is some truth to that statement.
  the comments on fark about this story are hilarious.
  It's been a while. I think that I will go watch Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life now.
  I'll be laughing all day about that "Our house is like a giant Cracker Barrel" comment that the mother said. A Cracker Barrel indeed.

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