
Thursday, April 08, 2004

  I saw the strangest thing today in Wal-mart. I saw a woman in front of me wearing a Hijab (hee-jahb). I'm not really sure what it's called other than a veil. The only other name I know is a burqa which covers the face, so I know it wasn't that.
  Anyway, the point is that she was Islamic. I guess she was. I've never seen someone wear one of those for a fashion statement, but I guess they can. It is a free country. There were two things that struck me as odd about her.
1. She spoke ghetto.
2. She spoke. (It seems that I rarely ever hear these women speak.)
  I know absolutely zero Islamic people. I wish that I did. Then I could ask them questions. Sometimes I scare people when I ask questions. It's amazing to me how many people never examine their beliefs.
  I have more that I would like to say, but I'm afraid that I would ramble too much. (Actually, I will. I just deleted half of this post.) Maybe I'll have more later.
  I just wondered though how much of a Muslim population there is in Smyrna, Tennessee.

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