
Sunday, April 11, 2004

I don't usually go for this sort of stuff, but some one sent it to me. So here it is...
1. What is your Full Name: Christopher Keith Walker, though most folks call me Gunny
2. What Color pants are you wearing now: Blue jeans
3. What are you listening to right now: Nothing. Though the last CD's were Everclear, Ella Fitzgerald, and Blink 182
4. What are the last 2 digits of your mobile phone number(s): I don't have one.
5. What was the last thing you ate: Turkey Dogs
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be and why? Salmon. It's a nice color even if it is a little odd.
7. How is the weather right now: Looks like it might rain. It has been sprinkling.
8. Last person you talked to on the phone: Breanne Gallagher
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex: Depends on which way they are facing. Eyes or shoes.
10. Do you like the person who sent this to you: Yeah, I reckon. I don't give out the e-mail address to folks I don't like.
11. How are you today: Hungry. (Where's the rest of those hot dogs?) Otherwise, pretty good.
12. Favorite Drink: Egg nog.
13. Favorite Alcoholic drink: Can't stand alcohol.
14. Favorite Sports: Don't watch sports.
15. Hair Color: What on my arms? Last time I checked it was brown.
16. Eye color: Brown.
17. Siblings: 1 older brother, Brad
18. Favorite Month: Not sure, May?
19. Last Movie you watched: Looney Tunes - Back in Action
20. Favorite Day of the Year: Dec. 25. It's the one time of the year that we all are nice to one another.
21. Are you too shy to ask someone out: sometimes
22. Summer or Winter: Snow's nice, but heat's better.
23. Hugs or Kisses: hugs definitely
24. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate, rich chocolate
25. Do you want your friends to write back: Whatever
26. Who is most likely to respond: Not sure...
27. Who is least likely to respond: um... Some one I don't know
28. What books are you reading? Maskerade and Essential Blogging.
29. What's on your mouse pad: I use a laptop.
30. What did you do last night: Work
31. Favorite Smells: Jasmine
32. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Not even with a pair of pliers
33. What inspires you: People?
34. Popcorn? What about it?
35. Favorite Flower: Black Eyed Susan
36. Favorite Cookie: Chocolate chip.
  Funny thing happened at work the other day. I said that I had been thinking about buying some Viagra stock. My friend James didn't hear the last word and asked me what I said with a shocked look on his face.
  I told him, "STOCK. Besides who would I be using it on? I mean really."
  Phizer, maker of Viagra has just been added to the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

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