
Sunday, April 25, 2004

  Oof, am I tired. Yesterday was a friend's birthday party. He's two. I'll tell you what if you need an exercise regiment nothing beats the old Baby-matic 2002. Except maybe the Baby-matic 2000. She's getting pretty wild as well. You try to be a guy with a shaved head and a four inch goatee and play with the other kids. Some parents keep a pretty close eye on me.
  The main problem yesterday was this "Mr. Gunny" crap. I don't like it. I'm afraid that it's been ingrained into the Baby-matic 2000. It's not an age thing. I don't mind Mr. Walker or just plain Gunny, but it's the bastardization of it that bothers me. Even Uncle Gunny is okay, but the idea that you get use my first name but still have call me Mr seems silly.
  Darn AOL. I have a friend that keeps trying to text me, but the mail controls keep blocking it. I've turned them off. Maybe that will fix it. I've also had problems with folks on ATT trying e-mail me. I think it's the mail controls.
  Of course, using this tex mess speech's hard. I've got 2 lurn how 2 shorten what I say. It's like writin hacker. Another switch 2 have in the noggin. I'm not 2 much of a geek, but I have to remember to turn off the geek talk at work. Recently...
GW: Hey (ODB), you've got that cool stereo that tells you the word of the song as you play the CD, right? Do you have XM?
ODB: No I have an XUV.
GW: No what I mean was do you have Sirius Radio?
ODB: Well, yeah, it's a pretty nice radio. I guess.
  Then I think to myself, "What a wonderful world." No wait, I didn't think that. I thought, "Guess not."
  Did you ever try the game of inserting lines from movies into real conversation? People look at you crazy when you scream, "Yogurt! I hate Yogurt! Even with strawberries!" It's pretty fun if you can play along. If you can't then you just look like an idiot. The problem is that I've tend to see movies that other people don't. I won't recognize Rush Hour/Rush Hour 2 but do know lines from Shock Treatment. (Where's the DVD? Can we upgrade before we get to the Blu Ray HD DVDs?)

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